Chapter 20- Family (14 days to go)

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German and I had spoke for a while longer before I moved and finally went to my room and dressed for the day. Once again, it was yet another afternoon of meetings with potential clients about performances and I was dreading it already.

I decided to take a walk in the park before going. I needed some air after not moving all morning.

As I entered the park, I couldn't help but be a little sad when I saw all the mothers with their children. I remember taking Violetta to the park when she was little, but it wasn't the same. She'd cry and ask why everyone else could play with their parents and she couldn't. If anything, going to the park with her wasn't the easiest thing.

When I see all of the little children smiling on the swings and running away from their fathers I find myself feeling more and more alone. Violetta knows I feel this way, but I do try to deny it. I don't want her to worry. I am happy with her, but there is that part of me that feels missing.

I'm not her mother, I am her aunt. There will never be anyone who will call me that.

I was about to walk off when a ball landed at my feet.

"Um 'scuse me." said a little boy who was running towards me, "Can you pass the ball?"

I positioned my foot as best as I could and kicked it towards him. He was only around five, so instead of stopping it with his feet, he grabbed it.

"WOW! BIG KICK! 'Tank you!"

I smiled at him. His blond hair flopped over his eyes gently and they sparkled with innocence and admiration. A soft smile was upon his face as he ran back towards his father, who was asking him if he'd been polite.

I couldn't help but smile sadly.

"I told you we could have our family."

I turned to see Pablo leaning against the tree.

"I don't want a family with you." I said as I began to walk off.

Pablo followed me.

"What?" he said quietly.

"Pablo, I don't want a family with you. Can't you just leave me alone." I said, feeling tears against my eyes.

"Angie, but why?"

For the first time, I heard sincerity and even hurt in his voice.

I turned to face him, tears stinging my eyes.

"Because you hurt me Pablo, you left and you come back expecting me to forgive you. It's not that easy!"

Pablo took a step forward and took my face in his hands.

"I didn't think I hurt you. We were fading apart..."

I shook my head, "No, you shut me out. There's a difference."

Pablo looked like he was going to cry.

"I didn't.. I couldn't... I... I... I... Angie, I'm so sorry."

I told myself not to believe him, but I was deteriorating.

"Angie, I regret leaving. I've missed you so much. I came back and I just got on the defensive when I saw that man with you, I just, I messed up."

I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself together.

"Angie, I want you. I need you."

"You broke my heart."

Pablo trailed his hand down the side of my face gently, "I'll do everything I can to fix it. I'll mend it."

That's what German had promised me.

"It's going to take a long time and if memory serves, you don't stick around." I said trying to ignore all my feelings.

"Wipe your memory and I'll make better ones I want to be with you forevermore. I'll spend forever picking up the pieces. I'll wake up every morning and make up for breaking it in the first place."

I stayed silent. Pablo sighed.

"I just-"

I cut him off with a kiss.

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