Chapter 28 - Nervous (6 days to go)

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German sat in front of me fumbling with his hands.

Yesterday he had woke me at an ungodly hour. He seemed anxious to speak privately, yet, when I was ready to speak, he had done a runner.

For a while, I searched for him, desperate to know what was driving him insane. Yet I had to give in. I had countless meetings to get to and I couldn't miss them to search for a person I was sure didn't want to be found.

I waited yesterday evening in the living room, waiting for his return. Yet it didn't come, he never came.

All the things that were happening between us were amazing, yet confusing. He's sending me mixed signals and I just wish I could interpret them.

Does he love me or not?

Because he acts like he does sometimes, but other times? I'm lost.

He returned in the early hours of the morning.

I heard the door open and part of me wanted to go and greet him.

Yet the other part of me was my body and it was far to exausted to move. I'd had a long day and I couldn't move so early. Especially not to speak to German, which I knew would leave me drained mentally too.

Yet this morning, here I was, awake and fresh sitting opposite him in the living room as he fumbles with his hands and his words.

"German, I know I said 'whenever you're ready but it's been an hour."

German looked up at me, his eyes lost and his afraid.

"I know."

I moved to the sofa he was on and sat beside him, gently I took his fumbling hands and held them in my own.

"You know you can say whatever it is."

German sighed, "I just- I just don't know if we'll be able to go back to this after I say what needs to be said."

I smiled, "I'm sure we can."

German played with my hands.

"I, I wanted to ask you if- if you would go on a date with me."

German looked up at me with a slight smile.

He asked this, but the look in his eyes told me that wasn't what had been bothering him. It was something else, something more serious.

I couldn't question him on it though.

"Of course. Yes. Of Course."

He smiled, genuinley, smiled. Obviously this had been something he also wished to ask, yet I still knew it wasn't that he had originally wanted to say.

I was sure of it.

I knew one thing.

I needed to find out what he was hiding.

[A/N: I'll finish the book for you guys but afterwards I don't know if it will be kept. I feel like this book is a failure, totally disorganised and pointless. I'm not sure, but maybe it will be deleted once it's finished because I think this is awful.]

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