Chapter 33- Too Late

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I sat on the sofa running my fingers through my hair, waiting for her.

I'd text Violetta, who'd gone to Francesca's, to say we needed to talk.

And I was nervous.

I shouldn't be, I scolded myself. Because what had I done wrong? I'd done nothing.

If I wanted to be with Pablo, because he's the only one who has ever been there for me, then I would be.

It didn't matter if that's not what she wanted.

I repeated that sentence again and again, trying to reassure myself.

Yet, I was nervous , because I didn't know how Violetta would react.

I didn't have long to wait though, as she entered just moments later, twirling her keys between her fingers.

"Hi." she murmured, as she approached where I sat, "ermm, are you okay?"

I sighed. What did okay mean? what was she asking I was okay about?

I shrugged in reply.

She sat opposite me and dropped her head.

"I know I should have told you. It's just Da- I mean German. He asked me not to, because he love-"

I cut her off.

"I'm marrying Pablo."

Her eyes met mine instantly.

"You're doing what?" She cried hysterically.

"You heard me Vilu. I'm marrying Pablo."

She stood from the couch and clutched her keys tighter.

"You can't. No. It's not right. You only said yes because- because - oh don't be stupid! YOU ARE NOT MARRYING PABLO."

I stood to meet her.

"I've made my decision. I'm marrying Pablo, Violetta. I'm the adult here, you can't tell me what I can and can't do."

Violetta stood bewildered, her glossy, empty eyes baring into mine.

"I don't mind what you wear, but it's going to happen this afternoon so you need to go get ready."

Violetta's eyes suddenly ignited.

"Today? You're marrying him NOW?" She cried.

I nodded, "Please do me a favour. Don't make this any harder then it needs to be. Just go upstairs and get ready."

Violetta slowly trudged up the stairs without saying a word, and I fell onto the couch.

She didn't even argue with me that much.

I was so glad, as I entered my office to finish the preparations.

I'd only just begun to revel in such happiness, as I planned the food, when I heard the door slam shut.

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