Chapter 13- Caramel Apples (17 days to go?!?!!)

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I was walking back from that morning's buisness meeting thinking about everything that had happened recently. I'd agreed to get a boyfriend and just like that German appeared.

AlI could do was think about him. He made everything so easy. It seemed easier to get through the day just having him on my mind.

Violetta obviously wants me to be happy and clearly she see's how genuine German is like I do, so maybe we have a chance. But gosh, I would be so gullible to believe that all of that would be as easy as everything else is with German, because I've found love is never easy.

I was walking down the street just thinking everything over when I heard his voice.


I turned to see German standing across the road and when he saw me he crossed. My heart beat a million miles a minute as I watched him come closer and closer.

"German, hi." I said not sure what else to say.

"Hi, I was just on my way to yours. How come you aren't home?"

He was so genuine with the way he spoke, he seemed to really care about me.

"I had a meeting this morning and was just on my way back." I said sighing.

"Really?" said German intrigued, "Can I ask what about?"

I smiled and nodded, "I'm joining a children's performing arts group tomorrow."

"Aren't you a little old for that?" he said raising his eyebrow mockingly.

"HA-HA." I replied sarcastically, "I'm going to teach the children. It's a free program as all of the children are relativley poor. The program will help them make friends and it means that parents don't have to pay for childcare whilst they work since most can't afford it."

German smiled at me. It was a broad grin, that was accompanied by his eyes going wide with wonder and they sparkled. Oh how they sparkled. The sun flashed off them and they shone so beautifully that I lost myself in them for a while.

"You, you are just amazing."

I could feel myself blushing.

"Not really."

German shook his head, "You are amazing. Just amazing. You are a role model for everyone and a person as amazing as you deserves a treat. There's a caramel apple stand just there. Want one?"

I shot my head around, "Where?"

German laughed and took my hand. I was startled at first but I loved the feel of his hand on mine. He pulled me forwards and I saw the stand he had mentioned.

"Two caramel apples please." he said handing over some money.

"I can pay you know." I pointed out, as I was the one who was a millionare.

"I know, but who buys their own treat?"

I shrugged and he laughed. His laugh was thick and deep and I adored it.

"How about we head back to yours so I can start sometime today then?" he asked jokily.

I nodded so we headed back, happily laughing and eating our caramel apples. We arrived back both happy and entered the living room in hysterics.

"Well, anyway," said German, "I should really start work."

I sighed, "If you insist, but I haven't laughed like that in a while, so promise we'll do that again."

German smiled, "We have too, I'd be devestated if we didn't."

I felt myself beginning to blush when German turned around to lift up his stuff. As he did a peice of paper dropped from the box and landed at my feet.

I lifted it up and I couldn't help noticing the words 'FINAL NOTICE' in block capitals.

I glanced at German to see him looking at the floor in shame.

I opened the letter to see what it discussed.

'Due to the lack of payment we are forced to claim possessions to pay off your sum of debt. We have found that your debt will be payed off by the claim of your house and car as well as furniture.'

I looked up at German but he didn't meet my gaze.

"I'm not in the best financial situation."

I nodded.

"It's not your problem though, please, just forget you saw it."

I handed him the letter back and finally managed to croak out what I needed to say.

"Where will you live?"

He kept his eyes on the floor and didn't reply.

"German, I want to help. German just answer me."

He didn't so I stepped forward and lifted his chin so his eyes were locked on mine. They were filled with sorrow and my heart broke. In that moment, I forgot about all the insecurities that lived in my head and focused only on what I felt in my heart, focused only on German.

"Live here."

German shook his head and I sighed.

"Please German, You'll get paid for your work, it's just until you get back on your feet, I told you, if you work for us, you're family. You're family German. So stay."

German seemed to be breaking, but so was I.

"Please, I want you to stay with us, I want to know you're okay. I want you to stay with me."

German smiled  and I suddenly realised how close we were. I could feel his breath on me, so I decided to take a leap of faith.

I leaned in and he did too.

His lips were almost on mine.

But as I said before, love is never that easy.

The doorbell rang.

I sighed and stepping back spoke.

"I'll have to get that."

I went to the door, frustrated with whoever had just ruined my chance of happiness.

I opened the door but when I saw his cocky smirk in front of me, I slammed the door on his face.

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