Chapter 18- Please (14 days to go)

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I walked in that evening as quietly as I could. It was pitch black outside and although I should have been home hours before, I found myself staying late deliberately. It was 1am but I had things to figure out.

I flicked on the light to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water when I entered. I had been thinking about everything all day. I have always loved Pablo, that I can't deny. Yet he hurt me. Wheras German, he doesn't hide anything.

I had made my decision.

I walked upstairs quietly as to not wake anyone else, but I wanted to speak to German. I gently opened his door and let myself in, knowing knocking was probably useless.

"German." I whispered into the darkness.

Surprisingly, the bedside lamp flicked on instantly and a tired German pushed himself up. His hair was all messy and his smile lopsided, but I loved it.

"Angie, it's so late, where have you been?"

I slipped my heels off and left them at the door and walked towards him.

"I just got in from volunteering at the hospital, but we need to talk."

German sighed, "It can wait until tomorrow surely?"

I shook my head and sat in the middle of his bed with my legs crossed.

"It's already tomorrow and I need to explain now."

German pushed the duvet off him and sat on top of it like I had done. He was wearing only boxer shorts so he sat in front of me on display.

"I'm listening." he said as he twiddled his thumbs.

"Today, what you saw.."

He instantly cut me off.

"Was nothing to do with me."

I shook my head, "No, you're wrong, because I don't want you to think Pablo is ever an option. Because all I thought about all day was you. Because all I've wished for all day is that you'd forgive me."

German let out a small laugh, "Why is that important?"

I sighed, "Gosh, you're going to make me say it."

German looked at me with wide eyes and I gave in.

"It's important because, if you don't forgive me, you won't give me a chance. You won't kiss me." I said, feeling myself blush.

"If I don't give you a chance it definately won't be because of Pablo." said German laughing, finding my feelings funny.

"Oh really, then why wouldn't you give me a chance?" I said slightly annoyed.

German moved closer and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, "Maybe because, you're way out of my league. Or because, you're too beautiful to date me, or too smart, or too funny, or too kind."

I pushed him back, "Shut up."

"It's true."

I shook my head, "No it's not, don't be stupid."

German smiled at me, "It's too late to argue with you, I'll prove my point tomorrow."

"Yeah, you're right." I said, rather dissapointed, "I'm really tired too, I could fall asleep right here."

"Well if you say so." says German cheekily, "But if you steal the duvet I'll kick you out."

With that, he flicked off the light.

[Hello, hope you are enjoying! Just a little note to say sorry again for breaking your hearts those who read How I like my tea yesterday and also I need some more stories to read! If you don't think I'm reading your story/ someone else's story and I should, please let me know in the comments as I need to read some more (preferably Germangie- I'm not majorly bothered with any other couple) and this is the best way to find new books!]

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