Chapter 8- Desire (48 days to go)

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I stepped downstairs in my mint green summer dress accompanied with a white blazer. It was formal enough for the meeting but also rather comfortable. I was feeling uneasy after the confusing dream, but as I came downstairs ready for my interview at the Children's Singing Camp, I was excited.

Violetta sat at the table and when she heard the clicking of my heels she turned around. Her eyes widenened and her jaw dropped.

"Do I look bad?" I said suddenly concerned that I could have just made the worst mistake of my life.

Violetta shook her head, struggling for words.

"You look... amazing!" she cried, running up to me and throwing her arms around my neck.

"Thanks Vilu." I said, now blushing.

"But now, I know you like someone and based on what I've seen so far, I say it's the gardener." says Violetta as she takes her usual seat.

I sighed, she was bringing it up again. Although I'd been dwelling on the possibility too, I still wasn't prepared to talk about it.

"You're overreacting. I'm dressed like this because I have somewhere to go today."

I was intending on keeping the Children's Camp a secret from Violetta, especially as it makes her worry about me.

Not every woman has to have a child, but Violetta doesn't see this. Violetta is all I need, but she has it into her head I need a child of my own. Sometimes, she's right, but mostly, I ignore those feelings.

"Where are you going?" she says cheekily, "On a date?"

I laughed, "No. I have a meeting, it's just a nice day so I thought I'd wear something comfy."

Violetta smiled but it quickly faded, "Don't work all day okay?"

I nodded, "I know. I know. I'm a horrid workaholic."

Violetta smiled slightly but it faded again.

"Let's do something later, just- anything."

I smiled, Violetta just wanted to make sure I didn't work constantly. I tend to do that when I'm sad and I suppose my secretive manner isn't doing me many favours in convincing Vilu I'm okay.

"Sure. Got anything in mind?" I asked.

Violetta nodded, "Leave it to me."

I glanced at the clock and noticed that my meeting would be beginning shortly.

"I trust you, I'll be back around four okay?" I said as I got up, "See you later, Love you Vilu!"

"Love you more!" she called back.

That was the last thing in my mind as I made my way out.

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