Chapter 32- Okay

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I entered my bedroom and sat on my bed in the darkness.

German Castillo.

He was German Castillo.

I should never have trusted him.

But I had to move on, so I accepted him, I allowed myself to fall for him, for a man with the name I despised.

In fact, I had fallen for the man whom made me despise it.

How stupid could I be?


Very stupid obviously.

I pulled myself up from where I lay and flicked my shoes into the corner passively, I didn't have the energy to put them away.

"That tired huh?"

I jumped at the noise and fell from the bed.

I heard a distinct laugh and then saw his hand extend to me.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."


"Oh yeah?" I asked, "Then how come you sat in the dark and didn't tell me you were here?"

He smirked, "I kinda did, I spoke."

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up from the floor with ease.

"How very considerate of you." I mumbled, as I stepped back and sat on the bed again.

"Look, I know you don't wanna see me. That you're mad with me, but-"

"I'm not mad with you." I breathed, stopping him, "I was, for a while. But, you did me a favour. Thank you."

He did.

He told me.

German didn't.

Violetta didn't.

And it seemed they both knew.

Why Violetta didn't tell me hurt the most.

"Well then, if you're not mad anymore, maybe this isn't such an awful idea."

I watched him as he sat beside me, but didn't say anything.

"I only found out about German the other day. I confronted him. He said he was going to come clean. But I should have just told you. I'm sorry."

I shook my head, 'It seems, despite how much I doubt you, you really are the only one who cares Pablo. It's not your fault. It's mine, I should have just said yes."

Pablo tucked my hair back, and I thought of German, but I pushed it away.

"You can still say yes." He murmured, "I haven't stopped loving you, even though you stopped loving me."

I took his hand in mine and he gripped it tightly.

"Okay." I whispered, "Okay, yes. I'll marry you Pablo. Let's get married."

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