Chapter 16- Predictions (16 days to go)

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Everyone sat at the table for tea and I was happy.

I'd not done any work today, as after knocking German on his feet, I ended up joining him in the garden, watching him plant some flowers. We talked all morning and afternoon.

"Oh! Can we watch my new film tonight?" asked Violetta excitedly, breaking the previous conversation.

"You mean the sequel to Wrong way round?" I asked as I took another forkful of pasta.

"Yes! It's called Right way round and it's going to be amaze. We should all watch together!" she cried happily.

I smiled, I wouldn't mind it. The original wasn't bad.

"Well what's it about?" asked Olga, fascinated.

"Well in the first one Maria and Peter were falling for one another, but everything went wrong. In the end, Peter walked out of Maria's life."

"WOW. WOW. I don't wanna watch sad things." cried Olga, suddenly on edge.

"Olga. Calm down! I think this is a good one. Basically, in this one the roles are reversed so the big question is, will that change the outcome? Will Peter and Maria be together?"

"Who would write that? Sounds like the stupidest idea on the planet!"

Olga seemed convinced.

Violetta rolled her eyes.

"Sounds like a girls film." said German as he ate.

"No way! It's for guys too! Anyway, everyone who lives here must attend my movie nights!" said Violetta abruptly.

German laughed and Ramallo turned to him.

"She's not joking."

German quickly cut off his laughter.

"Well anyway, I wonder what will happen in the film! Maybe they'll be together!" said Vilu excitedly.

German laughed again, "I realize I'm getting dragged into this but I may as well be honest, you girls will be dissapointed with the outcome."

"Who says?" said Violetta boastfully.

"I do. C'mon the roles are reversed, but the characters are still the same right? So they'll have slightly different experiences. They will still end up apart."

I shook my head, "You are such a meanie. Don't you believe in the power of love?? Love conqeurs all!"

"And that is where you are wrong." says German bluntly, "Life's not a fairytale."

"I can make it a fairytale."

"You can't write your own story."

"How do you know?"

German sighed, "Because there are decisions out of your control and also, in fairytales everyone always knows exactly what to do. They have no regrets."

"I can still write my life as a fairytale, even if the paper is a little crumpled."

German smiled, "It's cute that you believe that, but you can't make everyone the characters you need."

I sighed.

"I'm right anyway. Because it's a movie. In books, movies, all of that, they ALWAYS end up together. Even if people wouldn't in life."

German sighed, "So which one is this? Life or a movie?"

I had to think because I wasn't sure he was talking about the movie anymore. Something told me, he was talking about us.

[Cheeky chapter to make you think about which direction this book might be going in]

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