Chapter 4-Easier (50 days to go)

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I pushed my rice around my plate tossing the occasional spoonful into some sauce but then continuing my path with the large scoop of rice. Admittedly, it was rather entertaining to watch as the rice seperated and formed a border along the edge of the plate, but I was not doing it for my entertainment, I was doing it in my distracted haze.

I didn't notice this immediatley. I only did when Violetta asked what I was trying to achieve and that was when I'd realised that mid-way though my meal, I had completely demolished my korma. I sighed when I noticed what I had done but continued to watch my plate, all of its details, the position of the rice, the sauce. I watched it like Nathan had watched me.


I snapped my head upwards and turned to Violetta frantically.

"What's up?" I said looking for signs of danger, "Why did you yell?"

"I  yelled because you've been lost in your own world for ten minutes! Never mind what's up with me! What's up with you?" she said sounding rather frustrated but also laughing.

I sighed and smiled and for once, it came easily.

"I don't know."

Violetta looked at me, her confusion obvious.

"How can you not know? I haven't seen you smile like that in months, years maybe!"

Violetta seemed excited, her eyes sparkled and she leaned towards me, intrigued.

"I don't know, Today's just been...."

I thought back to what Nathan had said. 

'I suppose it seems....easier.'

When I remembered what he said, I could finish my sentence.


Violetta smiled, "Easier how?"

I shrugged but my mind was racing.

Easier to laugh.

Easier to smile.

Easier to speak.

Easier to breath.

"I don't know how." I lied, "It was just easier."

Violetta didn't seem convinced.

"So what did you do today?" she said still inquisitive.

"Just usual work. I organised some final paperwork and I booked a couple of private shows for the month too. We had someone apply to be the gardener and-"

Violetta cut me off.

"Who applied to be the gardener?" says Violetta excitedly, "That's the first thing you've said that makes the day different from any other, so it must be that! Who is he? Do you like him?"

I was shocked. She hurled the questions at me in an instant and I didn't have any answers.

She edged towards me aswell, eager for me to answer.

"Vilu, It's not him!" I said in shock, "Why would you think that? I've hardly spoke to him!"

She sighed.

"I was hoping that perhaps it was. I mean, it would be so great if it was. It's been a while since I've seen you this happy and..."

She trailed off. I knew what she would have said though.

The last time I was probably this happy was when I was with Pablo. I'm happy now, but not as happy as I was before.

Since my happiness seems to have returned, she probably thought I'd found someone new.

I can't blame her for being excited. After all, she was only hoping I was happy.

"It's just been an easier day, that's all. I don't know why, perhaps it's because I've agreed to move on, but it's just seemed easier."

Violetta nods.

"I'm glad you're moving on. That man doesn't deserve you."

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