Chapter 22- Wanted (12 days to go)

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I'd avoided German for most of the day yesterday after hearing his conversation with Violetta by focusing on my work, but I knew I couldn't ignore him for much longer. Both him and Violetta would find out eventually, so I figured I better just get it over and done with.

I sauntered out of my office at around 2pm and saw Violetta hugging German.

"Thank you for a great morning." she said hugging him, "I had so much fun!"

"My Pleasure Violetta, enjoy your rehersal." he said beaming back.

I leant against the doorframe and felt a lump in my throat.

I couldn't ruin their happiness. Not yet.

"Hey, Angie. I'm off now, i'll be back a little late." said Violetta as she came over and hugged me goodbye.

I smiled, "Don't stay out too late with Leon."

Her face dropped and she pulled back, "How did you know I'd be out with Leon?"

I winked at her, "Ahh wouldn't you like to know."

I could see German smiling.

"Now, get yourself going, I'll see you later." I added, kissing her forehead gently.

Violetta quickly exited, but German stood still in the living room. I could tell him now, but if anything Violetta deserved to know first.

"You are either reading her texts or her diary to know that." he said cheekily.

I shook my head, "Nope actually, I just know her too well."

German stared at me, trying to figure me out.

"I don't buy it."

I smiled, "You should. I notice the patterns she has and that means I know everything."

German watched intently.

"I know she will be out with Leon late because she has her favourite jumper dropped on her bag."

German smiled, "She's that predictable?"

I nodded and moved forward so I would speak to him properly.

"You'll get to know her and you'll see."

"I really can't wait then."

He said it and his eyes lit up. He said it and my heart exploded.

"You want to get to know Vilu?" I asked, checking I understood.

German smiled, a full, massive smile.

"And you."

I dipped my head, "Me? You sure?"

I heard a small breath escape his lips, like a laugh, but smaller, happier.

"I'm sure. I'm positive."

He placed two fingers beneath my chin and directed my head upwards.

I could tell my cheeks were bright red.

"I want to know, everything." he said, pushing a stand of hair from my face.

"I want to know the way your eyes look when you first wake up."

"I want to know the location of all little ridges in your face."

"I want to know the way your hair feels when it's finally dried."

I couldn't breathe. He wanted to know me. He wanted me.

I wanted him.

He brushed his thumb against my lip.

"I want to know the taste of your lips."

His thumb ran along my lips once more and I waited.

I wanted him to kiss me.

I needed him to kiss me.

In this moment, nothing else mattered, except that he kissed me.

"I want a lot of things I cannot have."

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