I'm breaking my own rule!

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I know I have a rule not to post random authors notes in stories, but I had too.

I've just checked the comments on my last chapter in which I said I would probably delete this book after it's finished and you guys! You made me cry!

Saying you didn't want that to happen, saying it meant so much to you, saying you wished I didnt.

Well I cant now can I?

I honestly didn't think many people liked it, yet here I see comments from people who only usually vote asking me not too.

It's touching guys.

So yeah, even though I think this book is bad, I suppose it must have some good in it for you guys to respond like that.

Thanks guys. I haven't cried from happiness in so long. Genuinely thank you! You're the best!

Love, this girl who will update this for you as soon as she can xoxo

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