Chapter 34- I can't

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'But she's not here yet Pablo, I can't, I can't get married without Violetta here!'

Everyone else was here except her.

It was low key, so it wasn't as if hundreds of people were being kept waiting, but the five that were stared at me expectantly.

Why had she run off?

If she didn't agree, it was too late, the least she could do is support me!

But she couldn't, I knew it.

Which meant I could lose her.

At the thought I stood and headed straight for the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Pablo as I picked up my phone.

However, before I could even reply the door opened.

Two inches away from me stood Violetta and German.

And I didn't know what to say, so I just stepped back.

"I, I erm, brought her back." Said German almost inaudibly.

Violetta had her eyes on the floor.

I had my eyes locked on Violetta.

"Thank you."

For a moment all was silent, but I couldn't hold it in.

"Why did you leave Vilu? Why didn't you stay? I needed you."

Violetta lifted her head, "Because I couldn't watch this happen." She said, gesturing to the small service, "I can't watch you throw everything you and my da- I mean German- err- everything you had would be lost."

I stood there as she bore into my eyes and could feel German beside me.

"I can't do that Vilu. I can't be with someone who lies. I can't go through anymore problems because of-" I glanced to see him staring at me, "You lied to me because of him, I can't forgive that yet. I'm not ready."

Then I sighed, "But you're right. I'm not ready to marry either. I can't."

(A/N: Guys the next chapter is the last!!! Do you think the end will be the same when life's been twisted???)

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