Chapter 35- Epilogue

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"Yes, but imagine if it was the other way around dad. You'd totally make Angie wait forever! You're so stubborn I wouldn't be surprised if it took you like 2 years to get over it! You're just lucky Angie's more understanding then you are."

German rolled his eyes, "But two months? She expected me to wait 2 months for her to make up her mind! That's like 2 years!"

Everybody laughed and I nudged him.

"Stop talking about me as if I'm not here. I'm right beside you, so it's annoying."

German smiled, "Sorry, but it's an important topic."

Violetta nodded, "It's important because Dad is trying to say you are more stubborn than he is, when he is obviously the stubborn one, I need people to back me up."

I titled my head, "Yeah it's definitely you who is stubborn German. Violetta's right behind you though, she can be headstrong too."

"I am not headstrong!" exclaimed Violetta.

"Ha! You are!" smirked German, "Angie agrees."

Violetta pouted, "You've no proof."

I smirked, "How about when your dad threw a pillow at your head and ruined your hair before a date with Leon. You didn't speak to him for three weeks!"

"It was like 2 weeks, and I wasn't ignoring you because of that." muttered Violetta.

German took a sip of his drink, "It was 19 days, almost 3 weeks."

I rolled my eyes at him before turning back to Violetta.

"Then why did you ignore him?" I prompted.

"Because he-" she began to mumble.

"Can't hear youuuuu!" chimed German beside me.

"Because when he threw the pillow I tripped back and spilt some juice on my skirt." she spoke into her glass, "And I didn't know- and- oh it was sooo mortifying - I went out in public with a huge pink stain on my skirt!"

German sniggered so I elbowed him.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad Vilu." I said, rubbing her arm, "I bet Leon was nice about it."

She smiled, "He was."

"Speaking of Leon," said German, "Shouldn't he be back by now? I know he was bringing the music equipment, but we can't begin until he gets here."

Violetta jumped from her seat to look for him and as she reached the door he pushed through, almost knocking her to the floor, but he caught her mid-fall.

She smiled as he lifted her up and they spoke in whisper.

Then, he released the grip around her waist to instead take her hand, passing a microphone to her.

"Angie, Dad, All our guests, in celebration of today, we have many different songs for you all to enjoy, so sit back, relax and enjoy the first course as we perform songs written especially for the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Castillo."

So when the world is reversed and everything is upside down
It's like turning a smile into a frown
One way is good and the other one bad
It just depends on the angle thats had






I was supposed to publish this tomorrow but I realised that I'm really busy tomorrow and it's the last episode of Violetta so imma probs be too busy ;)

I've recently published the first part of Chosen: The Arrival which will be my newest book! Now that all others are finished I'll be focusing on that one so hopefully updates will be every Monday and Thursday :)

Also guys, I hope you'll continue to stand by me.

Thanks for everything - Merci pour tout - Danke für alles - Grazie per tutti - Gracias por todo

- Meg xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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