Chapter 21- News (13 days to go)

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When he said all those things I broke. He looked into my eyes and told me exactly what I wanted to hear and he said it how I wanted it to be said.

I was so besotted, I never made it to the meeting. We had catching up to do.

True our catching up didn't involve much talking, but we were together and closer then we'd been in years.

I'd spent the night at his and now returning the following day, I was worried.

I'd made it clear to Violetta I was over Pablo and I'd made German think I'd given up on Pablo.

Then I fell for him again and we were together. I would definately have some explaining to do.

Something told me this was so wrong. That I'd made my decision too soon, that I should have talked to Violetta about it, that I'd regret it.

Yet it was too late. I'd agreed to be with him again yesterday.

I would have to tell them and I should do it now.

No one was in the living room, but I heard laughing from upstairs.

I quickly skipped upstairs and found it was from Violetta's room.

I entered Vilu's room to see her sat with German looking through photo's of Maria.

"I just wish I was there." sighed Violetta.

German nodded, "I understand that. It's natural to miss her, you-"

Violetta cut him off when she saw me in the doorway.

"Angie! When did you get home." she asked, looking worried.

"Just a second ago," I replied, "Looks like you're having fun."

"We were," said German happily, "I have spent the last few hours talking to Vilu and honestly they have been the best hours of my life."

Violetta jumped at German and hugged him.

"I agree. I love having you around."

They'd made a connection. I couldn't understand how, I'd been gone only one night and it's like they'd known each other forever. Plus it's unlike Vilu to talk about Maria with anyone but me. It looked like she found her father figure.

That's when I remembered I was back with Pablo and that I would have to tell them.

"I'll be back okay, just one sec." I said, ducking out of the room.

I was breathing heavily and I was worried.

The door was slightly ajar and before I could leave I heard Violetta speak.

"Look, this needs to be said now, Angie hasn't been this happy in ages, you obviously care for her and she cares for you. If you want this to work, you cannot break her heart, I swear to god, I can forgive you for everything else, but if you break her heart, I won't be able to."

I hear a deep sigh from German, "Violetta, I don't want to hurt Angie, but you know-"

Violetta cut him off, "I understand your point of view, but Angie is the most important person in the world to me."

German's voice came again, "What if she chooses Pablo?"

"No, that cannot happen, if there is anyone who could hurt her more then you being insensitive, its Pablo."

"Yeah, but she still loves him." he said, sadly.

"And you love her! Show her it and Pablo won't stand a chance."

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