Chapter 31- Yes? (Today's the day!) PART 2

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Violetta joined me at the bottom of the stairs and hugged me, beforee turning to German at my side and hugging him too.

He smiled and held her protectively which made her smile and both of them looked at me.

She was wearing one of Maria's dresses. One I was sure German owned.

"Angie?" prompted Violetta, "Are you okay?"

I could barely speak.

"That- that dress." was all I managed to utter, "Where- where did you-?"

Violetta glanced down and back up to me, "I- uhh- found it in the attic."

I shook my head. Not possible. It's not possible.

For ten years I've been in and out of there, I know every single thing it holds.

It definitely did not hold that dress, or did it?

I was beginning to doubt myself.

"Angie- ehh-" started Violetta but I cut her off.

"No, no. Anyways, It's just me imagining things."

Violetta's eyes dropped guiltily, but before I could ask anything, German spoke.

"Will the birthday girl treat me to a dance?" he asked offering his hand to Violetta.

She giggled and took his hand, upon which he instantly spun her ready to dance.

As I watched the two of them dance, a smile creeped upon my face and guilt creeped into my heart.

I needed to not worry about the dress, as by just doing it a moment before, I made the atmosphere tense and could have easily ruined her day, if I hadn't blown it off.

So, as the song ended, I clapped politely and smiled.

German came back to me after and Violetta went to see some of her friends from the studio.

"Hey, you've gotta learn to make your smiles more realistic." he said as he approached me, with a smirk on his lips.

I smiled patronisingly at him, "Oh yeah, I'm not convinving am I?"

He smiled, "Not in the slightest, but I think I know how to fix that."

"Oh really?" I said as he took my hand.

"Really." he said as he lead me to the Kitchen.

I shook my head, "How do you intend on fixing it then?"

German smirked and closed the doors behind us.

"By putting a real smile on your face."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh and you think you can do that?"

He smirked, "I know I can."

German stood with his face inches from mine, but his body was against me.

Gently, he cupped one side of my face with his hands, stroking my hair back and playing with it. Yet as he did, he lifted my one leg around him,edging up my dress, and slid his hands along my leg, up along my thigh, not stopping.

I couldn't focus. With sensations in two different places, I didn't know which to focus on. Both we're excruciating, as he was so close yet so far.

But in an instant, he dropped his lips to mine and desire exploded within me. His hand clutched my behind, pulling me into him and my lips pressed into his, craving him.

He was everything at once. Every emotion pressed together when our lips collided and he tasted so good.

When he pulled back and dropped my head back into his hands, I instantly smiled.

Gosh, how I couldn't help but smile.

"Now." he breathed.

"Now?" I repeated, "What now?"

He just smiled at me and took my hand, dragging me back into the lounge and as we passed the toaster, I saw a flustered, but equally happy me, staring back as my reflection.

As we entered the lounge, German took me straight to the centre of the room and Violetta squealed.

"Now?" she squealed, and German nodded.

I turned to look at Vilu and she smiled excitedly, then as I turned back to German he was on one knee.

"It's sudden, but you made me promise not to leave and I won't. I'll say yes to never leaving. Just say yes to me. Marry me."

My eyes went wide and heart beat faster and the word was on the end of my tongue.



Before I could say it, Pablo was beside me, dragging me back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I screamed.

"What do I think I'm doing? What does he think he's doing!" he yelled.

German's eyes went wide, "Pablo-"

"No!" he yelled, "No- I won't stay quiet, I won't let this happen."

I couldn't pull myself from Pablo's grip.

"Because she doesn't even know you yet and it's not even her fault. It's yours! Yours!" He cried to German, "Because you won't alow her to! Go on German. TELL HER!"

German looked at the floor.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"TELL HER." repeated Pablo.

Yet when all he got was silence and German staring longingly at me, Pablo spoke.

"For the love of God! You're Maria's Husband! He's your sister's husband!" cried Pablo turning to me, "He's German Castillo!"

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