The winged sword

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I flew some more to help people. I then spotted Escanor. "Hey Escanor!" I call out. "You need help." But then all the demons infront of him fell down "never mind!" I say

"Thanks for offering" he says

As i continue to look a lion tries to attack Merlin but Escanor steps in. Thats so cute I thought to myself.

"Meliodas." I whisper under my breath. I see Zoria rush in his direction "damn it." I say flying as fast as i can to go over there. I caught a chill in my body he's close. I caught up to zoria as he went full speed to Meliodas and Bellion "stopp!" I scream

"Stop old man!" Meliodas yells.

"Im not going to let Solaad die!" Zoria screams

"Stay back!" Meliodas yells as zoria attempts to slash Bellion, Bellion stabbed him.

"Shit" i say. Zoria sliced Bellions arm off.

Zoria landed on the ground so did Bellion. "Hey Zoria." I said rushing to his aid. "Old man!" Meliodas says comin to us.

"What kind of sword is that" Bellion said

"This is the winged sword this has been passed down for 3,000 years by my people with this sword the demon clan is about good as-" he says trying to get up but almost falling. Me and Meliodas caught him.
"You need to rest." I say

"Solaad you get back-

"Meliodas!!" I scream blood gushed out of meliodas mouth i let got of Zoria and went to Meliodas

"What have i- ive killed my son with my bare hands." Zoria said

Meliodas tried pulling the sword out. But Bellion kicked him back. As Meliodas tried to pull it out he screamed in pain. I went over to help him and he screamed louder and louder every time i tried.

His body then fell on the floor. "No- Meliodas." My eyes got bigger and i fell on my knees. "No come on Meliodas wake up , wake up. You promised me!" I yelled crying. I put my head down and you could the most darkest aura come from me.

"Im going to kill you.. Bellion." I say smiling with tears coming down my face.

Bellion's eyes grew and i appeared behind him punching him. I then punched him more and more and my anger made me get sloppy. He raised his sword with his other hand. I was prepared to get sliced. "Get away from her!!" Ban yells. Causing a huge explosion.

I got up weakly and heard the scream of "capatin."
I held Meliodas in my arm as every gathered around. I laid his head back down and tried to heal him. I dont have enough strength. Then one person came in my mind. "Wheres Elizabeth!? I need her help to heal Meliodas."

" Captain! The captain cant be dead!" Diane says

"Hey! Are you guys okay." Hawk yelled calling out to us.

"Y/N! Sir Meliodas!" I hear Elizabeth scream

She gets off hawk and runs our way and indulges me in a hug. I hug her back with tears coming down to ask her to help me. "Elizabeth you gotta help me heal Meliodas." I say crying

Hawk cries on the side of me.

"I cant believe the captain got taken out." King says

"That guy shouldn't be able to beat him." Ban says

"We need to take the sword out first." I say. Escanor comes give it a try but even for him it wouldn't bulge.

"There is probably power hidden deep within the winged sword." The old lady says coming towards us.

"You gotta help" hawk says crying.

" Unfortunately the only one to wield it is the head warrior. Get Zoria over hear as soon as his wounds are healed."

My head was spinning and i held Meliodas in my arms praying he would come back to me. I continued to heal him with Elizabeth.

"Let me help you two." Ellatte says

She puts her hands over meliodas with us as Solaad is about to pull the sword come out. I would use droplet of life but i have little to no strength, this is all i could do. All i could think about is please work.

The sword grew a light at the bottom and we stopped. "The sword." Ellatte says.

"Its glowing white." Elizabeth says.

As Solaad was about to pull it out zoria grabbed his hand.

"What the hell are you doing" i said

"Y/N" i hear Elizabeth says under her breath

"Pull the damn sword out." I say

I could feel magic power coming from the egg. Damn .

"What is that." Hawk says

"Such magical power." Diane says

The urge of power flew over the kingdom.

"Hurry up and bring the captain back so we can stop this monster-" ban says

"What the hell are you guys doing take the sword out of Meliodas." I say with tears coming out of my eyes.

"You must not remove that sword from him. He is a demon." Meliodas body left my arms and levitated in the air. I got angry at zoria's words.

"This wicked power, this mark on his forehead, he is a demon i high ranked one." Zoria said

"So what, Meliodas is still Meliodas. He's the Meliodas who saved you from a demon and this is how you repay him. So what if he's a demon,who cares. He hasnt hurt anybody. So im going to ask you one more time" i say standing up "pull the damn sword out of" His eyes and everyone else's grew open.

"The winged sword is a sacred item that was given to us by the great Oshiro after he sealed a powerful demon with it long ago. He has showed his true form." Zoria said

More tears came down my face why are they talking about Meliodas like he's some type of monster. Elizabeth put a hand on my shoulder "everyone even though he may be a demon he is not a bad person." Elizabeth said

"Master Zoria like Y/N said , Meliodas was the one who saved you yesterday. And today he saved our lives as well." Says Ellatte

"Indeed i must show my gratefulness as head warrior." Zoria said "However the demon clan is a different story. For 3,000 years we have passed down the winged sword to protect the sky temple from the demon clan that is our law. I can not count the people we lost in that fight."

"No one gives a fuck about your damn winged sword. Why is it so hard to accept Meliodas is a good person and just pull the sword out of him. Demon or not he saved you the least you can do is repay him the right way." I say

"Ill be right here with you until the end." I say brushing Meliodas's hair back with one hand and cupping his face. My tears fell on his face then down on the ground.

"Master Zoria! The monster is approaching." One of Zoria's men said

"Those who are able to help go fight go." Zoria said

"Y/N please go help them they will need your power." Elizabeth says

"I have to stay by his side." I say crying.

"Y/N, he would want you to fight and protect everyone." Says Elizabeth

"Your right." I say wiping my tears. I land a kiss on Meliodas's forehead. "Elizabeth, Hawk i intrust you two to look after Meliodas."

"Got it." They say

"Come on" Ban says

"Im coming dont rush me."

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