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"Captainnn, I think your lover's woke" Ban says on the balcony.

Meliodas came in so fast you can feel a gust of wind. Before i could say anything he squeezed me tight in a hug.

"I guess I'll give you two some space" Ban says walking out closing the door.

"Do you remember too?" Meliodas says

"Yes" i say my voice cracking.

"Im sorry" Meliodas says crying as well.

"Its not your fault"i say rubbing my fingers through his hair.

The memory i had was a very..unpleasant one. In short— it showed me, Meliodas, and Elizabeth all just talking: and Elizabeth was my best friend. Me and Meliodas were dating. Since the other races and demons weren't allowed to be with each other— let alone friends, we were punished...We all lost our memory. And i was sent to another dimension while Elizabeth and Meliodas had to fall for each other over and over.

He lifted his head with teary eyes "it is my fault i couldn't protect you in the e-."

"Meliodas shut up, you did all you could do and I still love you."

"I love you too" he then pulled me into a kiss. "You think your ready to meet the others?"

"Yea just let me put my self together." I lifted up the cover and only seen a bra and underwear on me. I glared at meliodas "where are my clothes?"

"Umm about that..."

i chopped him in the head.

"You have anything i can wear."

Tiny time skip

"Meliodass I'm not wearing this" i groaned

"This is all we have , you go in this or walk down there naked, and I'm not letting you go down there naked." He said the last part seriously.

"Ughh fine, lets go." We go downstairs and he's holding my hand.

"Everyone listen, this is Y/N:my girlfriend and she will be joining us on our journey."

"Captainn,no fairrr!!" Diane whines.

"D-Diane its okay im still here" king says shyly.

"Uhh yea like he said  im Y/N, and nice to meet you"

"Y/N?" king says " I know ive heard the name before, oh thats right! I heard tales about a fairy queen named Y/N, but i never thought you were real. I always kinda thought Gloxinia was the first King who ruled over the fairy race" says king

" yea thats me its a long story though"

"Im Elizabeth princess of Liones" Elizabeth says bowing.

"Oh no need to introduce your selves i already know you guys." They had a shocked look on

"Captain you mind if i bring her to my work shop?" Merlin says

"Yea but i'll be coming" says Meliodas

"Fine by me" Merlin says

Time skip (At merlins gift shop)
"So i want to learn more about this dimension you come from Y/N" Merlin says

"Umm it just like this one just no demons, no powers, and stuff like that, well thats physically seen at least."

"Nice to know, also do you guys have outfits for the event tonight?"

"Event?!" I shot Meliodas a look "why didn't you tell me I don't have anything to wear?

He laughs nervously "i didnt know myself"

"Well Author is having an event tonight to celebrating us coming back."

"Thats nice of him" i say

"Y/N i seen you in action and i think this sword will suit you well." Merlin  levitated it over to me and i held my hands out. "It's name is Rosa, since Author cant weild it i think i should give it to you."

"Thanks merlin"

"But heres the thing, i have to bind it to you."

I looked at Meliodas nervously and he nods giving me a sign as i should do it.

"First i want you to slit your finger, not off but just so blood comes out then wipe the blood on the surface of the sword."

I did as told then it disappeared. "Where did it go?"

"Its in you." Me and Meliodas gave her a strange look.

"In me?"

"Yes in the center of your chest, to summon it prick your finger; rub the blood on your chest, then call its name."

"Are you sure this is safe Merlin?" Meliodas ask

"Yes, its perfectly fine"

I tried it out i made my thumb bleed then rubbed the spot on my chest "rosa". You can see the top part where it was coming from then i pulled out the rest of the sword. "It worked!" I said "also there is no blood."

"Hmm i think i need to check for my self" Meliodas says putting his face in my boobs. I then proceed to punch him on the head.


"Your right there is no blood" he says rubbing his head.
Mb for keeping yall waiting but hope yall enjoyed💛

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