A change of life

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(Re-writing all of the chapters, please ignore how cringe this was before)

Your POV

You wake up on a hospital bed. No family members there just the nurse taking care of you. You hear the beeping sound.


The nurse was surprised that you were awake since it's been a week when the accident happened.

"Oh, you're awake! I have your breakfast here make sure to eat a lot since you are in an unstable condition.." the nurse said.

"W-where am I? w-what happened?" you tried to move but since your injured your wound started to sore.

"Ahh don't move sweetie, don't worry I'll feed you" The nurse fed you your food while you're just sitting there all confused about what happened.

"From your question earlier...You were shot by a serial killer which caused you to end up here...But for your parents...."

"H-huh? What happened to them?.." you mumbled.

"Well..how do I say this...They're umm dead..."

You choked on soup and teared up after realizing you just lost the people who take cared of you and watch you grow up.

"W-what about my brother? is he ok?" you asked.

"Yes, he is. He's waiting for you outside actually. Since you were in a coma."


"Dadd I told you to get me popcorn not doughnutss" your brother exclaimed.

"Hey don't complain doughnuts are the best." your dad said while taking a bite of a doughnut.

"He's not wrong tho" your mom giggled.

"See. Even your mom agrees. Don't be so dramatic Kaito." your dad laughed

Timeskip after the movie

"Next time I pick the movie pleasee I didn't like the movie dad picked" your dad felt offended and said,

"Why are my children against me today?" your dad asked.

"I think it's because you got bad taste." Your mom replied

You and your brother laughed walking out of the mall.

Outside the mall you were all in the streets waiting for a ride then suddenly a man came up to you and your family shot your parents but your brother tried to fight him but he got punched and shot in the arm. On the other hand, you also tried to kick the man but he shot you on the arm too and took your dad's wallet and ran away

You were unconscious and were lying down on the floor but since you hit your head to the ground it was hard for you to get up or move.

Seeing your brother on the ground unconscious and your parents dead made you tear up and pass out

End of flashback

You were all healed but you still have an arm sling on you. You met your brother outside with his face all blank until you asked something that killed the silence

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