
48 1 17

Saturday - 6:30 am

Your phone vibrated with a text from your aunt. It's been a while since you both saw each other. 

"Hi F/n, I'm going to visit you today. I'm at the airport with Kaito. See you!"  You read her message quietly.


You rushed and picked up the stuffed toys on the floor and opened the curtains for light. You could've just opened the light switch but you worried that It'll be just a waste of electricity.

Across the window, there was Kita watching you panicking and rushing to clean your room. He chuckled. Kita went to your house thinking he could help you. 

As he arrives, he knocked on the door. You didn't hear his knock until he called out your name


You ran downstairs and opened the door panting. 

"Hey" You covered your mouth realizing you haven't brushed your teeth

"Hey, What were you doing earlier?" He peeked inside your house

"Uhh give me a minute, sit there" You point at the couch. Kita nods.

You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth. Looking at the mirror, you thought,

How can I forget brushing my teeth- HE MUST'VE SMELLED MY BREATHE 

After that, you went downstairs to him. You felt embarrassed but it seems like he doesn't care whether you're filthy or not. 

"Why did you came here early at this hour by the way?" You asked

"I asked you that earlier" Kita replied

"Oh yeah- sorry about that" You chuckled
"My Aunt and Brother are visiting me here later. And I didn't want them to look at my messy room"

"I can help you clean" He smiled

"Thank you but, I don't need any h-" He drags you up and grabbed cleaning supplies, and gave them to you.

"Let's start" Kita started cleaning the floor

"Hey- I didn't even say yes" You pouted

"You did this to us before"

"Fair enough" You both laughed 

With Kaito and Aiya

"Here" Kaito opened the door of the taxi for his aunt 

"Thank you" She smiled "You're still a gentleman aren't you?"

About that-,I haven't been gentle in taking care of my sister, I've been too strict with her. Kait thought and sighed


Both of them were so excited to see you again. But at the same time, they were worried. They knew that every time someone will come to visit you, you'll panic and be a mess. 

Back with You and Kita

"We're done, finally." You wipe your sweat

"Yeah, you should get ready." Kita puts back the cleaning supplies

"Isn't my normal clothes enough?" You sat on the couch

"I meant cleaning yourself. Your hygiene is important, you might get sick" He looks away

"You're right but, It's just the first time I've been like this, why so worried?" 

"Just get ready, I'll go back home" Kita walks up to the door

Hopeless love || Kita Shinsuke x Reader + haikyuu X Oc ||Where stories live. Discover now