Two Lost Animals

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Your POV

6 am

I woke up seeing only Lily on top of the bunk bed sleeping while I see an empty bed under Lily.

Where's Himari?... Maybe she went out for a walk or outside right now? Hmmm

I got out of the room and see Kita awake making breakfast.

How early does he even wake up?

"Good morning" I yawned

"Good morning L/n-san, here I made breakfast for you. I'm still making some for the others" Kita replied

I notice that Himari wasn't outside or in the living room. I got a bit worried and asked,

"Did you see Himari here earlier?"

Kita turned around with a spatula in his hand

"No, I didn't. I didn't see Suna too" he said

"Wait so they're lost?!" I choked on my food

He walked towards me handing me a glass of water

"I thought Himari was still asleep?"

"I thought the same with Suna" I said. "Maybe they're still out for a walk? Let's just see if they get back" Kita nodded

8 am

Everyone was awake. The others were eating breakfast and the others were outside for fresh air talking.

I went to Lily who is outside and I got worried that she might panic that her sister is lost.

"Lily." she turned around "Your umm how do I say this..." Lily tilted her head and replied,

"My what?"

"Your sister is lost...And also Suna" Lily's eyes widened and her other brow raised and asked,

"How? Why? When?"

"I don't know how or why but all I know is that she was gone with Suna this morning" I played with my hands worried about the two

"I'll tell Lucas. Himari will be in big trouble" Lily walked in the cabin to Lucas and told him what happened

I sighed and just sat on the stairs outside the cabin worried.

How did those two even get lost? Oh, right they're both stupid.

I saw the Atsumu and Osamu walking towards me and I stood up with a "?" expression

"F/n! Is Himari lost?!" Atsumu asked

"Yeah...and Suna..." I looked away

"How? Wh-"

"I don't know. The only thing I know is that they were gone when I woke up" I cut Osamu's sentence

"I'll tell the others" Osamu walked away in the cabin

"Is Himari gonna be Ok?" Atsumu asked with a worried face

"I've known her since I was 6. I'm sure she will" I smiled


I saw Omimi and Aran going in separate ways finding the two. They have their walky-talkies with them just in case they get lost.

A few minutes have passed. Aran and Omimi were back from searching but they haven't found Suna and Himari yet.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell at my right. I turned around and see a girl wearing brown shorts and a jacket with a white fancy-like top with a golden necklace standing holding the stick I brought here

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