Holiday Special

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(This isn't connected to the storyline. These are also different stories with differents ships)

(this is a time skip au — winter btw)

You x Kita 

Outside the window, you were distracted from the two birds on a tree, they were together cuddling with each other. You got startled by your dog as she barks, you kneel down and smile, patting her head. 

"F/n help me" Kita called, he was on a ladder, decorating the wall. You laughed and walked over to help him.

"You look like a mess, are you sure this would turn out good?" You gave him the paintbrush, "I know it will. Just work on with the lineart, I'll do the coloring" He looks at you, then started painting.

The empty white wall will no longer be boring, Kita had the idea to paint a picture of you and him on the wall to claim this house your home. You doubt that the results would turn out good, but trust the process, I guess.

Kita climbed down for a moment, he connected his phone to the speaker to play music. The paint was all over him, the same as you. He plays popular Christmas songs and went back to paint the wall, you smiled softly.

A few hours later, the painting was complete. The result didn't look what you expected but both of you did well with the details.

"It looks exactly like our picture together" You gaze at the painting, Kita chuckled and walked closer to you for a back hug. You hear him breathing from the back, it started to get hot; his back hug made you all flustered.

"Bath together...?" Kita whispered, you nod


Himari x Atsumu

The air was cold, snow was falling, children were running around playing in the snow. Himari and Atsumu went out for a walk. They plan to go to a convenience store for noodles. 

Inside the store, Himari grabbed a cup and poured hot choco. Atsumu grabbed the noodles and waits for Himari. He puts down the noodles as Himari walks up to him, he pulls out his wallet to pay. Before he hands over the money, the cashier gave them the bag of the food they bought; Himari paid.

"I thought I was gonna pay" Atsumu peeks over "I'm not letting you use the money I just gave you." the ginger-haired girl replied. Himari walks away, leaving Atsumu behind. 

Atsumu stopped for a moment, he sneakily makes a snowball to throw at her. He gets a bit closer to make a perfect shot, when the angle was perfect, he threw the snowball at her hitting her back.

"Game on." Himari cackles, she puts down her things on the side, the same as Atsumu. 

They started making snowballs and a small wall for them to start. Before Himari started throwing the balls, she hides behind the wall for a while since Atsumu was already throwing some at her.

When he ran out of snowballs to throw, Himari started attacking him. Snow hit Atsumu's head, throwing him off. 

"WEAK" Himari yelled, "SHUT UP THIS IS JUST PRACTICE" Atsumu yelled back, he carefully makes a bigger snowball to hit Himari.

When he threw the snowball at her, Himari was the one who got thrown off.  "WHO'S WEAK NOW?!" Atsumu cackles, he ran and tackled her as she tries to get up


Keith x Lucas + Lily x Suna + Leslie x Osamu + Aviana x Akaashi

(lmao i got lazy soo)

In Aviana's house, she hosted a hot chocolate-making contest. The cutest design of hot choco wins. There were only 2 people per team— the pairs are Lily and Suna, Keith and Lucas, and lastly, Grayson and Leslie. 

"Is everyone ready?" Aviana stands up on a chair, everyone nodded. "Avi, be careful, you might fall off" Akaashi holds on to the chair where Aviana was standing. "I can balance myself don't worry"

The game started— Keith made a little snowman out of the marshmallow, Lucas reaches for the candy canes in front of him. The couple went for a Snowman beside a candy cane tree theme. On the other hand, Lily and Suna made a small gingerbread house on top of the whipped cream. Grayson and Leslie made a penguin sculpture using chocolate molds.

A few minutes have passed, Keith and Lucas were the first ones to finish. Both of them went outside for air, Osamu was there cooking barbecue. 

"Get one if you want," Osamu said, Keith grabbed the barbecue and gave one to Lucas. "No— I don't want one" Lucas shakes his head backing away

"What about me?" Keith walks closer making Lucas bump into the wall, "Fine I'll have the barbecue" 

"Aww, no fun" Keith frowned, Lucas stopped from his place and walks back. "Don't be like this in front of a crowd" he kissed his cheek

"I think I disturbed something" Leslie stared at the couple "Well, you did" Osamu yelled from afar

"Why are you burning your kind?" Leslie walks closer and looks at the burnt meat, Osamu looked down and realized— he stabbed the meat with a fork.

"Here." He forced her to eat the burnt meat, Leslie holds the fork he was holding and moves closer, "Why not taste this with me?" They both took a bite. 

Leslie spit outs the burnt meat beside the trash bin, "This is kinda good" Osamu continued on eating

"But it's burnt—" Leslie blinked in place

"Thanks for the food" Suna walked by with Lily, they were holding a sled and walked up to a hill to sled.

Lily puts down the sled and sat down getting ready to race Suna. Aviana and Akaashi were down the hill to judge.

"ARE YOU GUYS READY" Aviana yelled on her microphone, "Keep it down" Akaashi backed away, covering his ears, chuckling.

"READY" Lily elled back, Suna did a thumbs up on her. Aviana started counting from 3 to 1 and waves her hand as a sign

Both of them started sledding down, snow was sprinkling all over and hit Aviana's eye. Akaashi got closer to her and pats her eye with his clean hankerchief. 

"I won" Suna gets up, "Rematch, but with Aviana and Akaashi" Lily suggested.

"But her eye—"

"I'm fine, don't worry" Aviana carefully opens her other eye, "Are you sure? you can wear the spare glasses I have?" Akaashi grabs up the glasses from his pocket

"Yes, I'm sure."

The four went up the hill and got ready, there were two sleds available. Aviana was in front of Akaashi on the sled, Suna was in front of Lily. 

"GO!!" Leslie yelled, signaling them to sled down. Akaashi holds on to Aviana, a bit scared to tip over.

"WE WON" Aviana shouted, "We did?" Akaashi opens his eyes, "Oh" He chuckled

"Guys! It's time to eat" You shouted from the back door

✩⁎❆✧⁎✩ End ✩⁎❆✧⁎✩

I hope you enjoyed this part— remember that this isn't part of the main au of this book, it's just in another au time skip. Anyways, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to my beloved readers <3

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