"Haha, What?"

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It's finally Saturday. You get out of bed, your dog greeted you. Kaito decided to go back to his school, he left a letter on the refrigerator.

Hi N/n! I needed to go back, sorry if I didn't tell you sooner. I left some snacks for you, I saw blood on your bed good luck lol.

"Ah...shit..." you look behind feeling the blood rushing down below.

Upstairs, you begin to clean yourself and get ready for a short jog with Kita. It was still 4 am, hence, your eyes slowly closed. Lance kicked her bowl, signaling you for food.

"I'm coming! Don't be mad" you ran down.

You reach for the dog food on the shelf, then pour it into Lance's bowl. After that, you gave her water enough for today.

"L/n? Are you awake?" you heard a knock on the door and Kita's voice.

Nervous, but excited, you answered, "I'm awake, don't worry"

Kita proceeded to jog away from your house, jogging his way to the park. You blink on your spot, then followed him. You increased your speed to catch up with Kita.

The wind blows; leaves flew around, two followed you. The sun was rising; the sky was orange, clouds were showing. While catching up to Kita, a noise of a baby crying early in the morning distracted you. Looking back to where you were going, you lost sight of Kita. The park was beside you, but there was no sight of the brown-eyed boy.

You walked around finding him, suddenly, you heard footsteps behind you.

"Not this time" turning around, you see Kita's eyes widened, he laughed.

"I should've been quieter" He scoffed, "Let's keep going, you have to catch up more"

You nod, Kita continues to jog. The wind blew stronger; your hair blocked where he went. From what you remembered, he went up to the hill. Relyed on your poor sight earlier, that's what you did.

You were correct, the white-haired boy was ahead of you. He didn't look like he was tired, which made you wonder;

how can he manage to do that?

At last, you're finally a few meters away from him. The hill wasn't really that steep for you to slide down while jogging, but it did make you tired.

"Rest here" Kita taps the spot beside him, "Here, I noticed that you forgot to bring water" he gave you a water bottle

"Thanks" thirsty, you drank on the bottle right away. "By the way," Kita chuckled, you looked at him.

"That's my water bottle" He looked away, chuckling. Your cheeks turned red, "You didn't even drink from this yet- right?" you asked.

"I already did, earlier" he answered, "I don't know if I can trust you anymore, you're full of surprises"

"And so are you."

You got up, "Well look at the time, come on" you lend him your hand; he grabbed it and got up. Both of you jogged back to your houses. Jogging down, it was almost difficult to balance yourself going down the hill.

Running past the park, you see two children playing there; it reminded you of you and Lucas when both of you were young. The other sat on the swing, the other pushed the swing to swing the other. They were happy, their smiles were wide. Besides that, you see another child on the slide, he sleds down joyfully; even if he doesn't have any friends to play with.

You and Kita arrived in front of your houses. The next sight you saw was Lance at Kita's house; she was with Kita's grandma.

"Lance! What are you doing here?" shocked, you ran to her, "She's fine L/n, I saw her run outside while you were talking to Shinsuke." Kita's Grandma pets Lance's head.

Hopeless love || Kita Shinsuke x Reader + haikyuu X Oc ||Where stories live. Discover now