"What am I to you?"

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(Let's just appreciate the random gif I picked at this part ♥)

Lily POV

Another day enters. I received a text from Suna that he's coming back. I sighed in relief because of the tiring 2 days with his sister. But I'm not gonna lie, it was fun

"[name]! Breakfast is ready" I called her

"I'm coming!" She replied back

I put her cute little breakfast down. I grabbed my phone to text my brother to take care of [name] for the day since he's excused for working on a school banner.

"Ooo this looks good, thank you, Lily!" She gave me a cheerful smile


"You're welcome, by the way, my brother is gonna take care of you while I'm gone" I carried my bag on my shoulder

"Okay, will you be back early?" [name] asked chewing on the pancakes

"Yeah, I will go back early. Probably when your brother arrives" I looked at her then back on my phone

She continues on eating then I left her as my brother arrives

"Take care of her properly or you're dead." I whispered in Lucas's ear.

"F-Fine" He gulped

I smiled and walked to school. As always, I pull my phone out of my bag and earphones to listen to music

I think this is a dangerous habit I always do but oh we-

"You might get hit by something or someone by doing that"

A memory flashed of what F/n told me yesterday.

It wouldn't be that bad- right? Oh fuck you know what-

I took off my earphones and focused on my surroundings.

I arrived at school and met Himari at the gate.

"Hey!" She greeted

"Hey" I waved

We both went in to go and get ready for class. The teacher was a bit late today. Everyone in the class has arrived.

"N/n" I looked at her


"Sorry if this sounds weird but, what do you see my brother as?" I sweat a bit because I sound suspicious

"Oh" She laughed "Well, I see him more than a friend."

"Wait- What do you mean by that?" I leaned a bit

"I see him as a cousin" She answered

Wow, thanks for getting my hopes up but I respect that she sees him that way. But I hope Lucas would be fine about this.

"Why did you ask?" F/n looked at me

"I don't know how to explain it so I'll not answer" I chuckled

"Okay" She giggled

Keith POV

I wonder where Lucas is. I think he forgot that we need to finish the banner together.


Hey, where are you?

At a brat's house

Don't call people that.

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