Lies developing

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(This is just full of POVS of my OCS btw)

Leslie POV

P.E class. The only class I'm good at. But I got one opponent to defeat. Akaashi. Back when we were still kids, our parents trained us. Separately. I'm trained by my father, while he's trained by his mom. 

flashback - 10 years ago

"I-I can't hit it" I kneeled on the ground, crying. 

"Leslie..." My dad sighed "You won't be able to protect yourself without training."

"Aren't I to y-young f-for this?" The wounds on my hand start to ache. I kept on failing to hold the knife and caused me to have bandages all over my hands.

"I'm sorry, I have to for your own good." He stands up "Continue"

I grabbed the gun and glasses to start shooting the targets. I missed 3 but hit 10.

Days, Weeks, Months, and Years passed by, I started to become good at fighting, shooting, and self-defense. Even if I know how to defend and fight for my safety, my dad still assigned guards to protect me. Everyone knows who I am. But not my real name and looks. 

I hid by changing my name to "Leslie Yamazaki" and dyed my hair the same color as my mom. My dad hated the way I look because it reminded him of my mom. She died by getting slaughtered by an unknown group. 

Meanwhile, my cousin, Akaashi, experienced the same thing but still had a normal childhood. After training, he would go to my house and hang out. I didn't like the fake smiles they had whenever they visit and act just like nothing happened. 

After one dinner with them, I went to my room and checked my drawers to see the ruby necklace my mom passed down to me. I always wear it every single day. But when I forgot to put it on while dressing up. When I checked the drawers where I always put my important stuff in, I didn't see my necklace. 

"Make sure to keep this necklace safe, It's been passed down to us starting from our ancestors until now. If you ever lose it, they said it would go back to you with a prize." A memory of what my mom told me flashed back to my head

I think I know who stole it. But I'm not sure because he acts normal. Like he's the innocent one. I gotta make a plan for this.

Weeks later, my father assigned me to take care of the camping site he owns. That's where I met the rivals of my teammates. They seemed really nice though, they are. I didn't trust them at first but when you saw how happy they were you got jealous. Even if I'm friends with Akaashi's teammates, it felt like I'm just acting happy to avoid getting into trouble.

I spied on them day and night but when one of their friends go missing, that's where I decided to show up. I was so happy that my plan worked. When I saw two of their friends outside at an early hour, I lead them to my treehouse.

Akaashi POV

Lunchtime, I met up with Bokuto and Leslie. I only saw Bokuto alone, but not my cousin. 

"Where is she?" I sighed

"Leslie told me she was gonna meet up with someone" Bokuto chews his food

"I'll be back" I walked out of the cafeteria

I looked at every classroom from the first to the second floor, but there was no sign of her. I looked at every club room and the gym. When I headed to the music room, I heard her voice. She was with someone. I hear their laughter in the hallway.

I peeked a bit because I didn't want to disturb them. 

"How" I heard someone else's voice in the room

"I don't know, practice makes perfect I guess" Leslie laughed

"By the wa-" I accidentally tripped and fell on the floor, the two girls looked at me for a few seconds. One laughed, the other one tried to hold hers.

"Are you- *pfft* okay?" The maroon-haired girl lends me her hand.

"Are you- *pfft* okay?" The maroon-haired girl lends me her hand

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(Temporary look of my OC. I used Picrew for this, I will change it later on.)

"Oh, I gotta go"  The girl rushes outside the room

"Okay, Bye!" Leslie waved.

"Explain." I stood up looking at her, she rolls her eyes and answered,

"I was just playing the piano"

"Right, I was worried you might bisexual panic again." I sighed, "Hey! I wasn't!" She rolls her eyes and walked away.


Sweat was all over my face. We practiced more than enough since our upcoming match is in 2 weeks. I sat on the floor to rest, on the other hand, my cousin and Bokuto were still active. They jumped around cheering with excitement. I went up to them out of curiosity.

"What's h- *pfft* dumbass." Seeing Leslie trip because she was surprised, I try to hold on to my laugh.

"Are you okay?!" Bokuto helped her up, "Yeah, I'm fine." she answered.

"Ahem, so, why are you both ju-"

"Look!" Bokuto shows me a girl ice skating, "Avi made it to the finals!" 


"Oh, she's the girl I was with earlier, her name is Aviana." Leslie pops into the conversation, "And she's going to the finals!" 

"Oh, that's cool" I smiled a bit.

"Do you wanna come to watch her with us?" Bokuto asked, I nodded.

"Speaking of that, I heard that Osamu was also going to watch at the same time too." Leslie spitted out the water in her mouth and coughed. 

"Is Leslie cursed?" Bokuto asked with a confused face.

"No *cough* I'm not *cough*" She sniffs "Is he out alone?" 

"He isn't, he said that he dragged himself to watch with two of his friends." I replied.

"First of all, who? Second, How the hell did you get his email or number?!" 

"Their team captain and his girlfriend?" I check his message 

"Girlfriend? I thought- wait" Leslie stops and tries to remember who it was "Oh, it's probably L/n. But they don't seem to be dating" 

"Let's just s-" Our coach called us to continue practicing.

How many times did my sentence got cut out exactly? 

To be continued...

Heyy, I'm so sorry for not publishing for almost a month??? It's because of school work like we got a lot of things to do every day :(. Anyways, I'm rewriting the previous chapters to check if I get anything wrong, probably would change a few events. 

Ty for reading <33

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