"We don't need memories"

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Inarizaki's motto, a motto that we might get its meaning wrong. Their Captain, Shinsuke Kita, didn't like the motto. The mottos of each team are really important; they say that it's for 'motivation'. To get motivated, you need to understand something to get the feeling; not only that, but it also needs to inspire you. 

Question: What's that one thing that made Kita motivated? It isn't the motto, so it could be something else. That something else is you. He doesn't know how; he doesn't know why but, he's smitten by you. Falling in love with someone doesn't ONLY start when you know someone for years, it starts in many different ways. But for Kita, he fell deeply in love with you randomly.

All of us want to live without any regrets but sadly, we did have regrets. Your goal is to just be happy. But that's impossible, everyone lives with sadness. With your friends and your brother, who knows where you are right now.

Continuing the match, the ones on Inarizaki's side are cheering and trying to make Fukurodani lose, as always with the other matches. Nobody in the Fukurodani volleyball team cared about it, but Leslie. It pisses her off seeing someone or anyone looking down on her allies. She tries to hold on to what she feels to not make a mess. Yukie was calming her down while Kaori focuses on the game.

Watching the game up close, amazed you because of how the twins did their attack. This made you forget about the deal. Kita on the other hand is talking to the rest of his teammates; talking about the game. When you looked at him, your eyes were stuck on him for a second; letting him notice that you were staring at him. He raised a brow looking back, you realized that you were staring and looked away

I can already imagine my creepy face looking at him  You thought, then sighed.

"I saw that" Lily chuckles, "Saw what?" your eyes widened, "wait...I promised– I didn't mean—"

"You know that Lucas likes you, right?" She looks at the viewers, 

"I already know." you look down, "that's my current problem now, don't ask, I know that you're gonna ask me a lot of questions about this."

"I won't ask, but please don't hurt my brother." Lily sighed, "We might've been rude to him, but I think it's better for him to be happy with you." 

Her sentence made you think about how to reply. You didn't get what she meant but you still replied,

"I love Lucas. I won't hurt him, I promise." 

"Wait...you're dating him already?!" Lily looked at you in shock, "Oh my God N/n! I thought you'd reject him!" she hugs you

"Wai—" you stop for a moment; thinking about whether, to tell the truth, or not. You didn't want to hurt your friends, at the same time you don't wanna lie to them. 

"Y-Yeah, we are." you smiled, anxious about what's going to happen next.

A few minutes later, the Last set

Inarizaki: 20 Fukurodani: 21

"4 more points until Fukurodani's victory, will the Inarizaki team catch up?" The host said

You take a deep breath watching, it was like watching someone in a real battle, in a movie. Suna successfully blocked Bokuto's spike, giving Inarizaki a point. The next serve is from Inarizaki, Kosaku did a normal serve, Komi from Fukurodani received it. Akaashi waits for the ball to fall closer to him and picked who to throw it to with their synchronized attack. Instead of passing it to another player, he did a dump. Kita managed to receive it, the ball landed on Atsumu's hands passing it to Osamu to spike it.

Inarizaki: 22 Fukurodani 21

3 more points until Inarizaki wins, everyone in the match focused before thinking about their current points for this set. It's Fukurodani's turn to serve, Leslie puts her hands together, squeezing her hands not knowing who will win.

Aviana was watching the match closely since some of the people there watched her competition, she wanted to see theirs. Her eyes sparkled for every point, she didn't know which team to cheer. She saw Keith and Lucas on the other side; she did hand signs to let Keith know that he should do his move after the game, Keith agreed. 

The match ended, Inarizaki won. Both teams shook hands. After Osamu shook hands with Akaashi, Akaashi called Osamu, "Wait, come here" Osamu turned around raising a brow; he walks closer

"Take care of my cousin when I'm not around" He smiles, "What do you m—" Akaashi left Osamu confused.

When the game ended, Aviana signalled Keith to do his move now, Keith nodded then he kissed Lucas. Himari's eyes widened and grab her phone, taking a picture. Lucas, on the other hand, was shocked; he didn't expect any of this to happen, he had no idea that Keith likes him.

Letting go of the kiss, Keith looked away and looked back at Lucas, smiling. 

"What the fuck was that for?" Lucas looked away with his face turning light pink

"Lucas, isn't it obvious?... I'm in love with you..." Keith replied softly, "Yeah but...I only see you as a friend..." Lucas backs away

"I understand...I just wanted to let you know that..." A tear starts to fall off Keith's eyes, "Wait I didn't mean—" Lucas follows Keith as he walks away, he then stopped and let him go.

With you and Kita, you both were in another place to get some privacy to talk. You told him to meet you outside near the parking area while the rest of the team is having a short break.

"I'm so sorry about this Kita but..." You hesitated to tell him that you're gonna pick Lucas over him, things were all just so messed up that you didn't know how to tell him that.

"Why are you apologizing? Whatever it is, I forgive you." Kita softly smiles, "Lily thinks that I'm dating...Lucas..."

"Oh," Kita chuckles, "How come?"

"Well, I just told her that I love him but she took it the wrong way...I don't know what to do— I don't wanna hurt them both." You look down, worried.

"L/n...you can tell her the truth...and tell me who will you pick...I'm still not sure about my feelings for you too..." He explains, "Just be honest with everyone and I'm sure that everything would be fine..."

"You know that I'm not good at explaining things to people...especially in this situation..." a small smile forms on your face, you kept on thinking about what's gonna happen to your relationship with your friends.

"Hey! we're about to leave!" Himari yelled, "what are you two doing in here?" she walks closer

"We were talking about something important," Kita answered

"You can continue your conversation later, your team might leave you behind, let's go" Himari grabs me and Kita's hands; dragging us to the van

Aviana POV

Shit...that didn't go well...I hope that Keith's okay... I thought while running around finding Keith

"KEITH WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted, "I'm here" Keith tapped my back

"Oh— Are you okay??" I checked up on him, worried.

"Yeah, I am" He smiles, "I can always move on you know..."

"Speaking of moving on, do you still like F/n? I saw her with Kita earlier" Keith asked

"I think I might've lost feelings for her, no offence. But she is pretty attractive" I laughed, "I can see that" Keith laughed with me.

"But who would you fall for now?" He asked, "I'll probably stay single forever" I grin, "Not in a bad way" 

"Promise me that?" He raised his pinky finger, "Promise." We made a pinky promise, I hoped that I won't break it since I know that...

To be continued...


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