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One of the top 3 finalists for ice skating, 1 st place, Maeda Aviana. Her graceful and peaceful movements made everyone who watch her mesmerized. That's not the only thing that's great about her. She practices every day and even goes half-day to school when needed. 

Running to the ice rink place, panting, Aviana looked at her watch.

Shit. I'm late.

She sees her destination and stopped to rest. After that, she continued going inside and put her skates on.

"Sorry" Aviana bowed to her coach.

"It's fine" They both continued to go inside the rink

Stepping in, it felt like freedom. It was hard to move at first but practice makes perfect.

Aviana did a simple spin in the middle. Her coach asked, "How are you? it's been a while"

She stops and answered, "I'm good, what about you and your boyfriend?" 

"Still adjusting about our long-distance relationship, doing well too" He smiles.

"What about you" Her coach catches up to her, "When will you date someone?" 

"I don't know but..." You entered the room giving yourself both of their attention

"Oh, hello! you're the one who wanted a lesson, right?" Aviana's coach, Ichiro Takagi walked up to you.

"Yeah, I was planning to do it on Saturday"  You replied

"Alright! Sign this" He gives you the form. You sign it.

Aviana was looking at you, curious. She seemed interested in you. For a show off like her, she tried to get your attention by practicing harder. Still, you didn't notice her. 

After signing, you wanted to try ice skating for a bit, so you took a pair and put it on. Struggling to get in the ice rink, Aviana went up to you and helped.

"Thank you" You smiled. She smiles back with no reply, but you assumed that it's a "you're welcome." Holding on the bars on the side, your feet struggle to balance on the ice. Of course, you're still guided by Aviana and Ichiro. 

"Let's go to the middle" Aviana points to your left. You and Ichiro nodded.

You felt scared but still, it was kinda fun experiencing it. In the middle, your legs were wobbling, of course, it was your first time so it's fine.

"I feel like I'm going to fall" Looking down seeing how slippery it is, made you anxious.

"Don't worry, we're here." Ichiro smiled, Aviana nodded.

10 minutes after

"Thank you, Ichiro!" You bowed, "Anytime!" He replied.

You waved goodbye to both of them, they were happy that they get to teach another person to skate. 

"Hey, Ichiro" Aviana called, "What is it?" Ichiro wipes his hands

"What's that feeling called again?" She looks at him, "Developing feelings." He answered

"I think I'm experiencing that now." Aviana said.

In shock, but curious, Ichiro asked, "Who is it?" 

"You'll know, later on"

Time skip - Saturday

"Come on, hurry up!" Akaashi looks at his watch, "I think she's taking a dump" Bokuto raises a brow.

"I'm not, it's just I can't find the right outfit." Leslie finally comes out of the door. 

"Took you long enough, let's go" Akaashi lead them to his car, "Don't crash it please." Leslie puts a seat belt on Bokuto, Akaashi rolls his eyes.

Looking at what's outside the window, both of the passengers Bokuto and Leslie felt how fast the car was. It made one of them feel dizzy.

"Slow down" Leslie almost puked. 

Arriving at the venue, the three met you, Kita, and Osamu. You all greeted each other and went in. This is the very first time when you all watched an Ice skating competition. So all of you were excited. Except for the two, Leslie and Osamu. They didn't really like each other from the start. I'll explain.

One year ago...

1st year of high school, that's cool, right? Time flies really fast. Leslie Yamazaki, that fake name the girl named herself. Trying to hide her identity, but doesn't want to. In order to keep her safe, her father ordered Akaashi to keep out an eye on her and mostly, the people she's with every day. 

Osamu Miya, his first day at Inarizaki was nice but, not with his brother annoying him. Although, he still loves him. 

In the first match of Inarizaki vs. Fukoroudani, that's where the two met. When Leslie was invited to be the team's manager along with Kaori and Yukie, she had no choice because of a lack of interest in other clubs. Osamu and Leslie met while watching the other teams play. Both of them sat next to each other waiting for their match

Sitting next to each other, it felt awkward at first but, when the both of them found out that they were cheering the same team, that's where their friendship started.

After the game, they exchanged numbers and emails to for contact. All thanks to volleyball-chan. (I had to jsjdjsn)


Any ideas what we should do next?

Movies? Idk.

Too boring. Change topic

I wonder what would happen to us on year later

Don't make me overthink that

Haha, sorry. I was just curious

Whatever happens to us in the future, I bet that it's good

Here's what made their friendship torn apart, Leslie's brother, Grayson, came back after years of being lost. Leslie didn't even know that she had a brother.

Since Akaashi wasn't able to do the job himself, Grayson was called to watch for her sister too. But, he made her life worst.

He spreaded a rumor about her wanting to murder Atsumu Miya, Osamu's brother. The way he made the rumor was smart enough to make people believe it.
He photoshopped photos of her targeting Atsumu, he even made a fake voice call about her plan.

Osamu was one of the people who believed it. When Leslie went back to her school, everyone was looking at her terrified. She was called a "murderer".

Confused and panicked, she ran to Akaashi and asked what was going on, but he also didn't know. The good thing is that, Akaashi didn't believe about the rumor.

Leslie texted Osamu, but he blocked her right away. The rumor lasted for almost a year. Even now. So she's still trying her best to not look as a "murderer".

To be continued...

Hiii! Yes I have no motivation to write but now I do, I'm trying my best! LIKE 400 READS?!?! ROAD TO 1 K BESTIESSS

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