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"You're welcome" Akaashi smiled and left the hospital. Aviana slowly closes her eyes went back to sleep. Her conscience made her worried about what she promised Keith, she knew it was a dumb and random promise she made.

"Keith...there's only a few days left before your surgery...please survive..." she murmured, then sighed.

My best promised me that you'll stay alive with me until we're 115 years old...

2 days later - Thursday

"KEIJI! WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?! WE HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK" Leslie shouted from afar, Akaashi was walking towards her; he already knew that this would happen if he wasn't with her.

"By 'we' you meant 'you', right?" He corrected, "Right..." Leslie sighed, "Follow me, you and Dad got some explaining to do."

Did she find out? I sigh, That stupid brother of hers always mess up.

She lead Akaashi to the living room, he saw Grayson and Leslie's father; they didn't look happy at all. Leslie glared at the three, then sat down.

"When did I have a brother?" She asked, "Take this seriously please." after seeing Grayson quietly laugh, she said.

"Before you were born, the nurse told us that Grayson died. But he ended up being kidnapped by a nurse." Daisuke explained, "That's why I let you dye your hair and change your name last name."

Frustrated, Leslie rests her back on the chair, "Akaashi? What about you? You knew about this in the first place, why didn't you tell me about Grayson?"

"I didn't wanna lie to you actually, I was just waiting for the right time to tell you" explained Akaashi.

It got silent for a while, the awkward feeling around the room bothered everyone. A lot of questions progressed to Leslie. Her mom died, her dad didn't even give her time to have a good childhood of her own, and she didn't even know that she had a sibling. Not the worst life but, it's something that can affect your overall self.

"I should've run away when I was younger, huh...?" Grayson smiled, "I couldn't even recognize my own sister, the same goes for you; you just met me, do we need a DNA test to prove I'm your brother?"

Leslie turns around, "No, your black hair is enough proof for me. Plus, you're dramatic like Dad"

"Why did you pull that up at this emotional moment?" Grayson stated. "Agreed, you start a memorable memory, then you ruin it." explained the ocean blue-eyed boy.

"Ignore it then." the room went silent, "I'm gonna go to my room"

12 am - Inside Leslie's room

The girl wasn't able to sleep, she scrolls through her phone reading. A notification popped up on top; it was Aviana's message.



Are you still awake??


Yeah, I can't sleep


samee, anything interesting to spill?


I just found out that I had a brother



Leslie clicked the phone button, she puts her earphones on so nobody would hear her awake. She tucks herself under her blanket to get comfortable.

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