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(I feel like this is dramatic...yk what, it is. I love it lmao)


When you said that, time felt slow. Everything stopped for a second but it felt like a minute. Thinking for a moment, "who would you choose?" echos in your head.

Keith...likes Lucas...but Lucas likes well as Kita...but who do I really love?

Confused, nervous, and scared. That's what you felt. In that very moment where you were frozen into place like Lily, you ran away just to think about your choice. You didn't like the feeling in that room, that didn't help you think well.

Someone h–

Before you could continue about your thought, you bump into Aviana, who was about to go to the Movie Theatre

"Avi?!" you yell in shock, "Relax. What's happening here?" Aviana puts her hands on your shoulders, trying her best to calm you down.

"It's hard to explain...very long story, in short..." you mumble, Aviana left you there and went inside to investigate.

"Keith?" She calls, Keith turned around, he was weak but still managed to reply back,

"H-Hey, long time no see"

"What are you doing he–" Aviana looks at Lucas, "oh."

"What about you? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in sch–"

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital? I was about to visit you, but your nurse said you went out here." She cuts off his sentence

"There's so much going on I-" Lucas blinked in his place, "Let me fix it then."
The maroon-haired girl crosses her arms

"First of all, Lucas. I don't want you to take this the wrong way but...why would you ignore someone's feelings for you when you know that the someone you're in love with doesn't need or want you?"


"Hush. I'm not yet finished." she clears her throat, "And for L/n, if I were you, I would stop being attractive."  everyone but Aviana blinked into place.

"I'm being sarcastic. But still, I don't even know what advice I should give you based on my opinion, this is a messed up situation you're in." She cleared out, "Keith. Let's get back to the hospital, you don't deserve Lucas."

"But I still want to—"

"Enough Keith, enough. You've done everything for that one person that doesn't like you back instead of doing things you need and want to do before your death." Aviana raised her voice, "Please, I just wa—"

"What about what I want?" Keith replied, "you've been around me worrying about what would happen, yet, you're still here to lecture me instead of living your life before death?"

"Stop, please." Lily walked forward, pushing Aviana and Keith away from each other. 

"This is such a mess, I know that my brother hasn't been the best he can be for everyone, but please don't treat him like this; he just didn't know how to handle it..." she explained.

Behind them, there's Kita, witnessing everything that's happening. You ran to him, concerned.

Should I do something? I don't want L/n to worry about these things...this day is supposed to be perfect for her. I want to make her happy. He looked down, thinking.

"L/n, let's go. This isn't one of our business anyway." He grabbed your hand, "But I wanna help-"

"Let them be, I want you to feel nothing but fun...nothing should be disturbing our time together." Kita opened the door, insisting you go in first.

No words came in your made to make another excuse, you just continue to walk in, frustrated. The air conditioner inside calmed you down a bit, but that didn't help your thoughts fade away.

Meanwhile, with the others, the room went silent. People passing by looked at them. Kathy, Keith's sister hold on to their dad's back; she was scared and didn't know what's going on. Kathy's birthday will happen in about a week, she didn't even know about her brother's condition. 

She walked up behind Keith, tempted to say, "Keith...please stop...I'm scared" 

her brother turned to her, tears started to appear, "Kathy...I'm sorry for letting you witness this" He kneels down to hug her.

"What's going on?..." the little girl mumbled. Aviana felt guilty for this, she walks closer to Keith and Kathy's parents to apologize.

"Hello, I just wanted— no...I needed to tell you both this. I'm deeply sorry about this foolish mistake everyone you know in this room did. The others didn't know about Keith's condition except for me, he has been really quiet about this and didn't want to worry us. Again, I'm sorry for us teenagers treating your only son badly." She bows down

"Avi...It's okay, I know that Keith is very happy with the friends he made. That's what matters...we just need to wait for the results la—"




























"K-KEITH—!!!" Kathy screamed, her eyes widened when she looked at her brother, unconscious. Keith's parents and the Ninazu (the triplets) siblings except Lucas ran to him. Lucas was too stunned to speak. He stood there watching the rest panic and call the ambulance.

35 minutes after Keith's surgery

The doctor walked out of the room, Kathy, her parents, Aviana, and the triplets were there. They were all worried about him. The doctor stopped in front of Keith's parents, he shakes his head, frowning. Keith's parents started tearing up, also the Ninazu siblings. 

Aviana refused to believe that this was real, she stood and told the doctor, 

"He's alive...r-right?....RIGHT—?!!" once again, the doctor shakes his head as a 'no' 

"Aviana...Accept it..." Himari looked down, "But I can't" Aviana replied.

"What will happen next? I-Is there anything that we need to do...?" Lucas stuttered in his place.

"It's over. Your time with Keith is over. We all need to move on from this, we just need to attend his funeral and wish for him to be happier." Lily stood up and wiped her tears away.

"So it will finally happen..." Aviana and Lucas said at the same time, "You promised for him too?" Lucas's eyes widened.

"Yeah...What did he promise to you?" Aviana walked closer to him, "To not be in love with someone else and be beside his cremation urn." He answered

"I promised him the same too...except that in love part, that was just a joke...but aren't you in love with L/n?"

"Correction, I was," Lucas said. "What about you? was there something else in your promise?"

" name one of my children after him." Aviana formed a small soft smile on her face.

"I wonder how L/n and Kita would react to this..." Himari mumbled.

To be continued...

I failed my math exam for this <33 sorry for being dead asf

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