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Suna POV

The practice was done so I walked towards F/n's direction so we can go to her house and do our project

"Hey" I said

"Hey, Let's go?" She replied then I nodded

Kita walked with us because he lives right next to F/n. Then Kita said as he went to his house and we were at F/n's door,

"See you guys"

"See ya" Me and F/n said

We walked in F/n's house then she said to me,

"You go and prepare your laptop in the backyard I'll prepare some snacks"

I nodded then went to her backyard and

Wow she has a lot of beautiful plants here

I sat on this wooden chair and placed my laptop on the table then I saw F/n with our snacks then we started to do our presentation

A few hours later

"Finally we're done" F/n groaned and closed her laptop

"Yeah I can finally go back home and sleep" I stretched my arms then I fixed my stuff

"Bye Suna see you tomorrow" F/n waved goodbye

"See ya" I waved at her then walked home

Your POV

I fixed the table mess when Suna left. After cleaning I was about to play call of duty but then my brother called

Oh right he was going to visit every weekend...crap what about the sleepover..?

"Hey, N/n how are you?" Kaito said

"I'm fine, how's college?" I asked

It's good...I guess..." He laughed "Speaking of college I have a lot of unfinished homework right now so I won't be able to visit at the weekends' sorry sis," He said in a sad tone

"It's alright...By the way umm..."


Crap what if he won't allow me to have a sleepover- I'll just tell him I'll be fine...

"Uhh wanna play call of duty?-"

"Game on" Kaito said

We both played Cod (call of duty) all night until 2 am

Timeskip - Friday after practice

"All right you guys I'll meet you all in my house I already sent the address," I said

Kita, Suna, and Atsumu nodded when we were at the gate of the school

They waved goodbye at me, Aran and Kita and I went in the opposite direction

"You guys are having a sleepover?" Aran asked

I nodded and said,

"I was about to invite you but then I realize you got a family reunion"

"It's okay I can call you guys" Aran replied

Aran kept on walking as Kita and I went to our house on the side

We waved goodbye at him then I told Kita to get his stuff and come to my house

I walked into my house and saw my dog, Bailey.

My brother must've come here and dropped her in.

I pet my dog as her tail keeps on waving

She must be happy to see me aww

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