School and Stars

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Lucas POV

It's 4 pm and all of us went home except for Kita. He stayed to help F/n clean.

I wanna help her but I don't want to look like a third wheel...Even tho they aren't in a relationship I just always get the feeling Kita might get in the way for me to tell my feelings to F/n...

I continued to walk home with my sisters. As we arrived home I go straight away to my room and fell in bed tired.

Well, that was tiring...

I checked my phone to see if I had any notifications and realized I have school tomorrow.

Ughhh, homework...

Good thing I don't have any to finish today. I sighed and changed my clothes and just went downstairs and see Lily on her phone talking to someone

"Lily. Who are you talking to?" I said.

"Mom." She replied then goes back to talking to mom

Is Mom coming back from work today? She usually comes back every 3 months and it's only have been 1 month since she left...

As Lily finished talking to mom Himari asked,

"What did mom say? Is she coming back?"

"No. She said we need to give her the paperwork she left in her room. We'll meet her at this address" Lily showed us the address on her phone. I was curious as to why we should meet in such a suspicious place.

"Why do we need to meet there when we can always mail it to mom or something," I asked

"I honestly don't know...Let's just do what she says...It might be important- Oh" Lily stopped talking as she received a text from her phone then she looked at it and said,

"Mom said she doesn't need it anymore, She already has a copy of the paper she has in her room but she says we should meet her up at the same address one month after.."

"Okay then." I said then we started to make dinner for ourselves.

Timeskip - Month later at school

I'm so boreddd

I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher because I was too tired for some reason

Wait no- I stayed up late reading a book...But I don't regret it.

I was thinking about the book I read last night but then I heard someone calling my name.

"Lucas? Lucas?"

"LUCAS" The teacher yelled at me then I got scared and replied,

"Y-Yes ma'am?"

"This is the 4th time you've been like this."The teacher sighed "Now what's the answer to number 7?"

I stand up and said the answer then sat back down feeling guilty

Well that was embarrassing

I feel everyone's eyes on me then I was just sitting there sweating.

Atsumu POV

It's June 29 today and I'm thinking of making a surprise party for Kita-san.

I'll ask L/n and the others for help

It was lunchtime when I saw L/n at her usual spot. The garden. She really loves nature that much huh?

I walked up towards her and greeted her,

"Hello, L/n!"

"Oh hello Atsumu" she replied reading a book. I noticed then asked,

"What are you reading?"

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