"I lost."

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(After reading this chapter please look at the image once again. TW: Suicide and blood.)

Next week, Inarizaki will be having a match with Fukorodani. Kita, he needed your help for their next match. You thought that he didn't need one but, not all independent-looking people don't need help. Everyone needs to.

"You need MY help? Why? I don't even know mu-"

"No. It's not about the game. It's about the twins. They had a fight. And they don't seem to help to do their quick attack properly" Kita sighed "And I know they'll listen to you"

"Fine, but it doesn't mean that it'll work"  You replied

"Let's go" He grabs your hand and you both walked to the gym

"You can let go of me, I can walk you know." Kita looks at you and realizes he was dragging you to the gym. 

"Ah, I'm sorry" He lets go of your hand "Come on"  

You walk fast trying to catch up with him. It felt like you were catching something. Something important to you. You slowed down a bit because of that thought. 

Is this the effect of being dramatic? 

At the gym, you see them practicing. You lost Kita on the way there and looked for him. You went inside and looked around the court. He wasn't there. It made you start worrying.

"What are you looking for?" You look behind you in a shocked face and see Kita

"You startled me" You look down and sighed.

"Oh" He chuckled "Again, I'm sorry" Kita went in holding a box

"What's that?" 

"It's our uniforms" He walks towards the coach. You follow.

"I thought you guys already had one?" 

"Some of the jerseys didn't fit the others" Kita places down the box "Here" He hands you your uniform

"Thanks, I'll go try it on. I'll be back" You go to the dressing room. Kita smiled as a "okay"

The uniform fits you perfectly. Although, it was a pretty hot day. But before you take it off. You took a short look at the mirror of how you look like. You got insecure about it. Even though the uniform covered those spots you were insecure about. 

"Are you body shaming yourself again?" Lily sighed looking at you

"I'm not. I'm just looking at what I look like- you know..." You said giving her a fake soft smile.

"Don't lie to me again F/n" She walks up to you "I already told you many times, you're beautiful. Everyone is. There's nothing to be insecure about." 

"Fine. I'm sorry. And thank you for coming to comfort me again. You always come to an unexpected time you know" You let out a soft giggle. 

"Good. Now go change remember that the twins were fighting" Lily smiles


Time skip - after practice

"I hope you two won't fight again" You pat their heads

"If he doesn't mess around. I won't" Osamu said


"Don't." Kita gave them a death glare

This again A neutral expression appears on your face

"I'm gonna go home now" Lily waved 

"Okay, stay safe" Suna carries his bag

"Bye!" You smiled. Everyone else waved.

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