Sleepover Part 2 - Theme Park

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Your POV

While I was with my friends, Those two people keeps on spying on me like I don't even know if they are but I just got a feeling that something is WRONG.

I didn't wanna ruin the bond with my friends so I just stayed calm and quiet about it. We went to a little arcade then I saw a cute little dino plushie that I wanted so I bought coins and tried to get it.

Ugh, why do these things have to be so hard to get

I continued on wasting my coins trying to get the plushie but failed. I saw everyone getting their prize in the game they won. I only got 3 coins left to win the cute plushie.

Last coin...I hope I can get it...

I failed to get the plushie and saw the rest of my friends outside. Atsumu was throwing the plushie Himari got on the air playing with it while Himari was angry trying to catch her plushie. Suna was talking to Kita. Lily was there on her phone and...

Wait where's Lucas?

Before I could go to my friends someone grabbed my hand. I turned around then I saw Lucas with the dino plushie I was struggling to get.

"Here" He gave me the plushie while I was shocked.

How did he even get this? that thing is really hard to get. Maybe I just suck at it.

"Oh no you didn't have to- It's yours keep it" I pushed his hands letting him keep the plushie

"Keep it. I saw you struggling to get the plushie so I thought of getting it for you" He gives me the dino plushie "Take it or leave it."

"Okok fine I'll keep it thanks." I grabbed the dino plushie and dragged him to our friends to continue exploring the theme park. I found a Ferris wheel we all could ride on.

This reminds me of the one I used to ride with my family...I miss those times...

Flashback - 10 years ago (you were 7 years old)

"Mom look! A circle ride- Wait what's it called again?" I said.

"It's a Ferris wheel Hunny, you wanna ride that one?" My mom said. I nodded then we all got in the Ferris wheel to ride.

I peeked through the glass window of the ride and I was amazed by the scene I saw. I saw the sun going down. People down having fun at the theme park we were at. And the mountains from afar. It was perfect.

My mom took a pic of me peeking through the window.

"Mommm" I said then she laughed showing dad the picture while I covered my face in embarrassment. My brother Kaito was also laughing.

End of flashback

"Guysss can we go at the Ferris wheel there?" I asked.

They all nodded except for Atsumu

"I don't wanna go-"

"I never knew that Sangwoo was scared of heights," Himari said

"HEY I'M NOT SCARED" Atsumu pouted crossing his arms

"Come with us then" Atsumu was convinced by Himari. He was still scared of heights but he only came with us for Himari.

How cute.

We all went in and we surprisingly all fit in the cab or whatever it's called. Again, I saw the view I saw as a child...But it was different.
The feeling and the vibe were different...I can't tell what it is but it felt good.

I saw Atsumu in the corner scared but he's trying not to show it to impress Himari. Suna was recording Lily was on my right and Kita was on my left. I can sense that Kita was looking at Atsumu laughing inside but not showing it.

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