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"-minor concussion, slight memory loss, and you will need a few stitches." The doctor said, reading off of her computer.

I wasn't really listening to her though, I was still surprised at the fact I had a best friend and a boyfriend. My boyfriends name was Isaac, he was a hot guy, he mostly just wore hoodies and sweatpants on the days he came to see me, if he did come see me. He only did two times so far. Nick was here though, he was really nice and helped calm me down.

My head hurt so bad right now but I didn't want to worry anyone so I kept it to myself. Well, tried to. "What's wrong?" Nick asked, crouching down at my bedside.

"Headache." I whispered to him.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it and I smiled, turning back to the doctor. "Are you going to tell them?"

"I don't want to worry anyone."

"Karl," he scrunched his nose. "I don't mean this in a rude way but you almost got run over by a truck, I think you can say you have a headache."

I giggled and nodded. "Okay."

The whole day was boring, I wasn't aloud to be on my phone so me and Nick just talked. When there was only fifteen minutes left for visiting hours, Isaac walked through the door, his hair looking damp.

"Hey bae." He said, kissing my neck sloppily.

I looked at Nick over his head and he made a gagging face before waving at me and picking up his bag, walking out the door.

"Hi." I said with a smile.

"When do you get out of this rat trap?"

"I don't know." I said. He groaned, moving his hand to my upper thigh. I hissed in pain. "Please don't put your hand there, I have a cut."

He rolled his eyes but moved his hand to my torso, sneaking his hands under my shirt. He trailed his fingers up to my chest and made a circle pattern. "God your so sexy." He said, starting to kiss and suck on my neck again. He laid down practically on top of me and I was in so much pain but I didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you kissing me back?"

"I'm just not feeling it right now."

He scoffed and sat up. "You haven't been feeling it the last few times I've come here for you. I take so much time out of my day to be here."

"I'm sorry.. I'm just tired I guess..." I said, looking away from his gaze.

He pulled out his phone when it buzzed and the last five minutes of his visit were spent in a hospital chair in my room, texting someone.

When I was supposed to be asleep I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand, going onto Nick's contact.



What are you doing up?

Talking to you dumbass

You know what I mean

Idk I don't want to close my eyes


*1 image attached*

I don't think the cartoon truck is going to hurt you best friend

You're such a nimrod

You should actually sleep tho

I'll think about that one



If you go to sleep I'll bring you in&out tm

Cheese burger with fries and a shake?


Can we FaceTime

Will you go to sleep



I got a FaceTime request from Nick a minute later, I turned down my volume low and faced away from the door.

He was laying down in his bed, the lights were off in his room and he had AirPods in.

"Wowww airpods so cool." I said quietly with a laugh.

He rolled his eyes and shifted in his bed, the screen was black for a moment before he turned on a lamp.

"Aren't you not supposed to be on screens?"

"I don't care." I said, turning around to look at the door. "No ones going to come in here anyway." I clicked off of the FaceTime call but kept the small box with the thumbnail in the corner. "I want to see if there's any news about me."

"You're so dumb." Nick said as I opened google.

"Car crash." I mumbled as I searched it. "I found one." It had a picture of my car as the thumbnail, it was flipped upside down and there was glass scattered around the ground. I took a deep breath. "Karl Jacobs, a 17 year old gay, was driving with his mom to go to the mall and get some flashy fall clothes-."

I was cut off by Nick's laughter. "It does not fucking say that." He choked out between laughs.

I shushed him and continued. "When they say gays can't drive, they mean it. The car was hit by a truck when he accidentally drove into the wrong lane. Blah blah blah, the car FLEW!" I emphasized flew. "Just like a bird, halfway in the air Karl Jacobs realized what was happening and he whipped out his phone, taking selfie's in the air. He then fell to the ground."

Nick was still laughing and I started giggling. "I like this news article." I said, bookmarking the tab. I took a FaceTime photo of Nick practically crying and then fixed my pillows and set up the camera in front of me.

"That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"It was all true, you wanna see the selfies?" I went onto the camera app and took a blurry picture of my face and then sent it to Nick.

He laughed for a little bit longer before becoming quiet. "You know, you're optimistic for someone who  got hit by a truck."

I shrugged. "Why be depressed when I could read news about me flying."

"That just sounds even more depressing."

"Listen..." I said with a laugh. "I'm tired."

"Then go to sleep."

"Goodnight Nicky."

"Goodnight Karl cat."

I made a throw up noise before closing my eyes and letting myself drift off.

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1000 words

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