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"Pandasss." I whisper, trying to wake up my sleeping boyfriend.

My moms been staying at William's house for a whole week now which meant Nick has basically been staying at my house for a week. She texted me this morning and said that I should come over with Nick and we can have breakfast.

"Babeeee." I whined, putting my cold hand on his face.

He woke up slowly, trying to tug me down into bed with him. When I resisted he whined and opened his eyes to look at me, a pout on his lips.

"Why are you dressed?" He asked, his voice raspy and deep.

"My mom texted me and said that we should go to William's house to have breakfast and I said sure."

Nick groaned and ran a hand across his face. "It's earlyyy."

"It's eleven, babe." I said, standing up and trying to pull him out of bed.

"Okayyy I'm coming." He whined, taking the covers off of his body. He was only wear sweatpants and I admired his body for a second before turning away and giving him privacy. I went into the kitchen and waited for him to be finished.

I made him a coffee and handed the cup to him as he came out.

"Do you know where it is?" He asked me in the car.

I set up the google maps and told him the directions. When we got there I reached over and kissed his lips, tasting the coffee. "Be nice." He mumbled onto my lips.

"I'll try." I said with a laugh, climbing out of the car.

William's house wasn't necessarily a mansion but it was definitely a huge house, he even had a heated pool from what my mom has told me.

His house was only about a fifteen minutes drive from our house. Nick took my hand in his and we walked up to the front door together, my boot dragging across the concrete.

"Hey sweetie!" My mom greeted, hugging me for a second too long.

"Hey, mom." I said, confused on why she seemed so happy and jumpy.

We all said our hi's and then William led us inside, showing us around a little as my mom happily stood by my side and clung into my arm like a spider monkey.

William made eggs as me, Nick and my mom talked. When we all sat door my mom smiled brightly at me and then looked up at William. They whispered to each other for a second before turning back toward us.

I grabbed Nick's hand under the table, not sure of what was going to happen.

"I'm pregnant!" My mom shouted, putting a hand on her stomach and another on William's arm.

"Congratulations!" Nick said, reaching across the table and grabbing my moms arm.

I was in shock. I looked down at her stomach and then at her face and then William.

I held my breath and plastered a smile onto my face. "When is it coming?"

"In eight months, on April 12th." William said, giving me a small grin.

I sat in silence for a second before noticing they were excepting a reaction. "Congratulations, that's great." I said, keeping up the act.

Nick squeezed my hand for a long time, he knew I was faking it. My mom and William bought it though, they were smiling and laughing with each other as I looked at Nick with my fake smile.

He nodded toward the door and I nodded back. "Me and Nick actually have to go take care of his younger sister but that's so good for you guys, it makes me happy." It clearly did not make me happy but I said it anyway, trying to seal the deal.

"Aw, okay." My mom said sadly, standing up and coming over to give me a hug. "I'll see you guys later." She added in, giving Nick a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright, love you mom. Bye William." He gave me a awkward side hug and then led us to the door, waving to us as we pulled out.

"Okay, start ranting." Nick said.

"What the hell? Pregnant? They aren't even married! I've known William for what, a month?!" I stayed quiet for a minute before continuing. "It's so weird. I'll have a knew sibling, a knew dad. I know William is like a nice guy and stuff but like, UGH." I groaned, looking at the dashboard of the car.

Nick just nodded along and hummed, taking my hand over the center console. "Maybe it's good for a change, your mom seems really happy when she's with William."

Why does he always have to be right. "Yeah, I guess."

He started driving the opposite way of my house and I squinted at him. "Where are we going now?"

"My house."


"I need clothes if I'm going to stay at your house any longer and Nora wants to see you very badly."

I grinned and bounced in my seat a little. "You can stay longer?"


When Nick unlocked the door there was a shriek and then footsteps running toward us. "Is he here?" I heard Nora shout.

When she saw me she launched herself into my arms, it was like one of those happy videos where two people that haven't seen each other in a long time hug in the middle of an airport. "Hi Nora."

"Karl!" She said excitedly, wrapping her legs around my thighs. I grabbed her small torso and moved her up more so that she could put her arms around my neck. "I drew you a frog!"

"Can I see?" I asked, looking at her joyful eyes.

"It's in my room."

"I'm going to get my clothes." Nick said to me, kissing my temple and walking off to his room.

I walked to Nora's room with her attached tightly on me like a koala.

She squirmed around in my arms and I let her down. She wandered to her bedside table which had a couple of drawing on it. She picked up one and gave it to me with a sweet smile.

"Ohh cute!" I said happily, looking at the picture of the frog. It wasn't very well drawn but it was the thought that counted. "This is so good!"

She smile and hugged my leg. "Can you put it in your room?"

"Of course, I'll put it on my wall." I said, running my fingers through her thin hair.

She jumped a little bit and then kept her arms around my one leg, standing lightly on my foot. "Can we go see Nick?" She asked, tugging on my fingers.


"Carry me?"

I laughed and picked her up by her back. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I started walking. I took her down to Nick's room where I saw him putting something into a little bag.

"Hi." I said to him, bringing Nora into the room and setting her down on his bed.

He smiled at me and grabbed the bag off the ground, putting it by his door.

I sat down next to Nora on his bed and she rested her head on my chest, tracing the pattern on my sweater with her tiny fingers. I wrapped my arms around her body and smiled.

"Nora, I'm going to stay with Karl for a little bit, Nicole is going to watch you and I'll come back in a couple days, is that okay?" Nick said.

"Okayyy." Nora said sadly.

"We'll come check on you after school tomorrow."

She nodded and brushed some hair out of her eyes. "Are you having a sleepover?"

I looked at Nick and tried to hold back my laugh, he winked at me with a smile and turned back to Nora. "Yeah, a sleepover."

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1300 words

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