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"Til death do us part."

"I WILL NOT DIE!" The voice was unrecognizable that left my mouth but was joined with strength. Strong winds lifted my body from the ground until I was hovering above the ground looking down at Max. "He is darkness that's around you." It was storm, my wolf voice that became mines. "Darkness, it has swallow hole but not this soul." Max launched toward me but was blown away by strong winds. Lightning struck around him, surrounding him. "I am your MATE! HOW DARE YOU?" He was practically drooling with rage. "You will die without me! YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!" The man who was yelling insults are me was unrecognizable now. His true colors have shown, and he meant to hurt, no kill me. "No one threatens us." Storm spoke for me, and my arm raised, pointed towards Max. His body began to lift off the ground with his hands around his neck as if he was choking himself. "Fucking monster." It was low but it was his voice, Max. If he thinks I am a monster now, then he always felt it. All the time together was just a fabricated lie when really, he thought of me as a monster all this time. "Well, I can show him what a real monster is." The voice, Storm, held a menacing tone. "Let me take care of you, Lena. Don't hide from him anymore, he is not your alpha. He cannot even control us! A weak excuse for a male is what he is, and we don't need a weak mate anymore.

"Fight it! Do not give in to the rage! LISTEN TO ME LENA, PLEASE LISTEN!" My aunties voice was loud although she was nowhere to be seen. Her voice sounded like a sweet melody, but it did nothing to calm me. A motionless Max was hanging in the air. He was no longer struggling nor fighting against me. He was silent with his eyes closed. "Sleep Lena and let me handle everything." Darkness began to overlap with my current vision until I was surrounded by silence. Darkness, I'm scared. Darkness, let me be free. I want to get out of this, darkness. The voice was a little girl that sat across from my in the dark room. She had a full head of silver hair. "Who are you?" The little girl took one step and appeared next to me, "I am you." She said with tear-stained eyes. "Remember, remember everything." She whispered as she aged before my eyes until she looked exactly like me, but she had bruises all over. "Remember, the pain." So warm.

My eyes opened slowly and in came a warm light. The dark cloudy, sky was parting and allowing warm rays of sunlight through. The tornadoes my wind created were gone and Max was lying unconscious on the ground. Auntie was by his side with her hands hovering over his body, but her eyes were on me. My body was not in the air or did my feet touch the floor. Someone was holding me and from the calming sensation my body felt at peace in this person's arms. "Stay still and I will take you inside." His voice sounded familiar, but I could not match a face to the voice before being engulfed by darkness again. The darkness faded and Max stood over me with blood smeared across his face. "I didn't want to do this, but you made me. Why won't you just listen? Is that so hard?" Max paced over my battered body ignoring my tears. "A mate is supposed to be obedient at all times!" His large hand connected to my face with great force silencing my cries and making my head bounce against something hard. Opening my eyes in fear of being hit again, I was granted a different view. The ceiling was glass and Max was nowhere in the room. "She'll be fine as long as he is gone. Kick him out or just send him on a bus back to his pack, I don't care. I just want him gone." I followed the voice of auntie to a grand staircase. "He is already gone." An unfamiliar female voice answered. Before thinking, I spoke out causing the two women to look up at me with unfazed expressions. "Who's gone?" I asked but the woman looked at my auntie with a questionable glance. "Her?" Auntie nodded her head as to agree with the lady and then turned to me, "Come child. You must be hungry." It was as if she could hear my stomach growling, so I followed her to a table full of food and many people with silver and black streaked hair. "You didn't answer my question. Who is gone?" It was a whisper, but she heard me as she made a face. "That despicable mate of yours. He's gone." People laughed and talked around the table full of food, ignoring the conversation Auntie and I were having. "Before you say anything, I healed him and she left without a single word. I wanted to kick him out after what he has been doing to you but that's a discussion for another day I think." She was hiding something with her avoidance of eye contact, but I urged her to talk, eventually she caved to the pressure and escorted me to a quiet room. "Take my hand and you will find the memories that were taken from you." Hesitantly, she held my hand with a gentle squeeze my head began to pound. Vivid images came to life in front of my eyes of my once vivid dreams, but they were not dreams at all. They were happening in front of me, to me. I stood there watching Max beat me until I was unconscious many times and then force me to drink from an unmarked vile. Only to repeat the same actions with no memory of the past. "Why are you showing me this? I don't want to see this!" Pushing her away from me, tears fell from my eyes. "You were showing me. Those images we saw came from you well more like your subconscious. I told you I had to power to heal but that's not all I can do. I can see memories of people I heal and when I healed him, I saw you. Pleading for your life, being forced to live and mate with him as if it was your choice but it wasn't. It never was your choice, Lena. He took that choice from you when he fed you that evil potion. It may be confusing right now but I promise you will be okay now. No more headaches and no more unexplainable pain."

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