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                                                                                    Jewel POV

Being back at school was not really something I think I was ready for. The first period went by quickly but I felt like everyone was staring at me. Gavin for sure was seated far away from me, but his eyes, I know for sure, did not leave my back. Not once. Thankfully, he did not try to talk to me because I probably would have punched him. On my way to the next class, I was able to hear that there was a fight one hall over. I thought to myself, hmm, so there's fighting at school already too. I wonder what happened. I wonder if any of my pack members were involved. If so, Father would be so mad. We were not allowed to really fight at school or to cause any actual trouble but who am I to say anything since I am Miss Troublemaker. Well, I was. On my way to my second class, people whispered around me. Some people were even brave enough to point. Amongst all the cowards that whisper and hid amongst the crowds, only one female and one male were the strongest among them. They approached me in the hallway and stopped me dead in my tracks to my next class. "Your name is Jewel, right?" The boy asked. I looked at him and then the girl for a second before I answered. "And you are?" I asked the boy. He apologized and then introduced himself. "My name is Tony." The girl next to him gave me a fake smile. I could always see through those. "My name is Toya." Straight to the chase, aren't we, Toya? "What is it that you want with me? In case you did not know, I am on my way to class and I really do not like being late. I've already missed a few days, so I would rather not have a bad reputation hanging over my pack." The boy nodded his head and apologized, but Toya, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes. "I'll get to the chase, then. Is it true that you have chosen to sacrifice yourself and marry into the cold ones royalty? Have you given up on finding your mate? Is that the reason you decide to go over to the cold ones? I'm just asking for my pack since everyone is talking about it. The entire colony is actually talking about it, so no one actually knows the real answer. So here I am trying to figure it out for everyone. Have you made-up your decision?" I looked at him as if he were joking. I know for sure I have not been gone from school this long that people think it is funny to play a prank on me. Do they really see me being assaulted by Gavin and being taken into the Dark Forest as a game? "You're joking, right? Who put you up to this?" I glared at the boy, and Toya took a step back. "You don't have to be afraid to answer. The people just want to know. Are you going to be selfish and risk everyone's life for your own happiness or what?" I stared at him for another second and then he made a weird expression. "You do know what I'm talking about, right?" I shook my head in disagreement. "I honestly have no clue of what you're talking about. Who said I was a sacrifice? A sacrifice for what? The cold ones. Why do we have to send a sacrifice to the cold ones? And why is it me?" The boy cursed under his breath and Toya tugged him. "Just forget I said anything." The boy said as he and Toya ran away. Everyone that was in the hallways watching us also scattered like roaches. What is going on? Since when did I become a sacrifice? Why am I the last one to know that I am a sacrifice? Instead of going to my next class, I bolted from the school out the back door. I spent the rest of the day in my own head trying to understand when did I become a sacrifice and why was I the last one to know? When the last bell for school rang, I walked around the school and towards the van. I was the first one on the van, so I went all the way to the back and put my head against the window. I close my eyes, hoping no one would bother me and they would think I would be sleep. One after another, I listened to kids get on the van. I listen to them gossip quietly since they thought I was sleeping. "Did you hear about Joey and Margret? Margret, accused Joey of cheating and got dumped." One of the boys said and then a girl chimed in. "I was in the hallway when it happened. A girl was wearing Joey's shirt that he had on earlier today. Then his girlfriend saw it and got really angry." A few other people that got on the van started to chime in to the gossip that was already stirring in the pot. "Yeah, that did happen, but Joey really did not cheat. Apparently, the chunky girl was getting bullied, so Joey stepped in. Joey really was in the right in all of this. Like it was not his fault. If I were his girlfriend, you couldn't pay me a trillion dollars to think he cheated on me. He would never do something like that to his girlfriend. I mean, you could already tell that she was not his mate, but he still dated her anyway like she was. I think she just got a big head and just got too big for her britches. She did not deserve the future alpha anyway." That made me giggle. Ohh shoot. I was supposed to be sleep. I faked a few snores and then the group of kids continued to gossip. I almost blew my cover. "Hey, I heard something really weird today. Tell me if any of you folks heard the same thing. Apparently, there is a war coming and the colony wants to make a peace treaty with the cold ones. However, the cold ones will only accept a marriage proposal type of contract between the two beings." A few of them started to gasp. "I heard the same thing in my classroom. They say they will pick someone from our pack." A girl squealed anxiously. "Why would they pick someone from our pack? That's not fair. There are twenty packs in this colony, so why would they choose us out of all the twenty? We have gone through the most because of them. So, they should give up someone, not us." A girl said. She sounded terribly upset. "What I want to know is why do all of the other packs in the colony know about this but we were the only ones that did not know. That is a problem." Someone else was about to start talking, but I immediately smelled my brother. They must have got quiet because they were also gossiping about him. A few of them spoke to him and he greeted them. I smelt his scent very strongly next to me, indicating that he chose to sit next to me. "Look, there's Margret." Someone whispered. "Who is that guy she's talking to? Was she cheating? Is that the reason why she thought Joey was cheating?" The people in the front of the van really thought they were whispering, but as alphas, our hearing was so much better than theirs. I know if I heard it, then Joey heard it. I opened my eyes to see everybody looking out the van window, so I looked to see what was going on. Sure enough, Margret was walking hand in hand out of the school with a boy. She was giggling and smiling brightly. You could faintly see the puffiness under her eyes though, as if she were crying. What is this? Revenge cheating? To make matters even worse, she was looking at the van and smiling like she knew exactly what she was doing. What a disgrace to the pack. I glanced at Joey and he looked pissed. His fists were clenched and his jaw was tight. I looked back out the window and watched it. A very plump, curvy looking girl walked up to Margret. Margret glared at the girl and started to scream something at her. The girl started to cry, but she did not run away. She stood her ground although Margret was trying to bully her openly. The girl said something and Margret's mouth dropped open. The girl then bowed her head to Margret and walked away. When Margret looked back at the van, she looked conflicted. She immediately let the boy's hand go and hurried over to the van. Joey's eyes, however, was not on Margret at all. It was following the short, plump, pretty girl that was crying. He honestly looked like he wanted to run after her. Hmm, remarkably interesting. He turned to look at me, and I did not even act like I was sleepy. I stared right back at him. "Weren't you sleep?" He asked me through the link. I snickered. "I was faking. So, who's the plump cute girl that you can't take your eyes off of?" His eyes widened, but I smiled evilly at him. "Yeah, I saw that. You might as well tell me." He glanced to look at where the girl had disappeared and then back at me. "She is just a girl that I helped earlier today before school. Her alpha's son was bullying her. It was him and three other boys. They were kicking her and calling her bad names. So, I handled it. That's all that happened. Ohh and they ripped her shirt off so I gave her mine." He blushed lightly when he said her shirt was ripped off. That pervert. "That's nice of you. Mom and Dad will be immensely proud to know of what you did today. We just won't say anything about the nudity. If it comes up." He chuckled and agreed. "Oh wait, there is one more thing that I heard today." This time he looked nervous, as if he knew what I was about to say. "I heard I was volunteered to be a sacrifice. What is that about? I'm sure you know. You are the next alpha of the pack, and you have been working with father for so long that I'm sure you know exactly what's going on." He made a face like he really wanted to tell me, but he couldn't, so I stopped prying. Margret decided to try to sit in the back with us. To my surprise, he let her sit next to him. Once everybody was on the van, we went home. The van ride was uneventful, other than Margret trying to nudge Joey. He was openly ignoring her and it was obvious to everyone on the van. To make matters worse, the kids on the front of the van were gossiping about her. "How shameless is she? She was literally holding hands with another boy after accusing Joey of cheating. Now look at her. She acts like no one could see her trying to get his attention. Newsflash, you cheated. He does not want you anymore." Now the people in the front of the van were getting highly creative. I snickered and then immediately looked over out the window so that I didn't make eye contact with anyone. I wanted to continue listening so I could not be obvious about listening to them. The van ride ended quickly and we all climbed out. Margret went to grab Joey's hand and he pulled his hand away from her harshly. "Don't touch me." I just took a step away from Joey. He has never used such a harsh tone before now. Margret, on the other hand, tried to reach for his hand again. Once again, Joey pulled his hand out of hers. "Haven't you held enough hands today? Or is one more boy not enough?" At this point I started feeling a little bad for her. Joey was really the sweet and calm one between us twins. Now I'm not sure if he's the nice one or I'm the nice one. "Joey, can we talk? Can we go somewhere where it's just me and you?" She started to sniffle. Joey looked left and then right and then back at her. "We can talk right here. I'm here, you're here, and my sister is here. Everyone else went inside already, So what do you want?" She tried to give him puppy eyes, but he just glared at her. "Can we go somewhere your sister isn't?" He took a step back until he was standing next to me and then he put his arm over my shoulder. "No. Talk or we're leaving." He glared at her again and she finally started to talk.

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