Little Mates

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"WHAT THE HELL? NOT IN THE KITCHEN! NO MATING IN THE COMMUNITIES' AREAS NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DO IT OR THE FOREST YOU LUSTFUL ANIMALS! SHOO!" An older woman shouted, shooing us from the kitchen. Quickly, I pushed his hands away from me. I was embarrassed but he laughed as if this was no big deal. When I tried to push him away, he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. 

With ease, Derek carried me out of the house and into the woods. Nervously I tried to get free from his grasp, but he spanked me and to my surprise, I moaned. "Good girl." He said as I watched the house disappear more, he walked until I could now see it at all. "Where are we going?" I asked but it sounded more like a moan as I felt his hand rubbing the back of my thighs. He chuckled but did not answer me. Noticing the sun was setting I realized it was going to be dark soon, but we were still headed further into the forest. "I did not except you to be so horny. You really have been surprising me, Lena." I thought about ignoring him, but he spanked me again. He snapped playfully at him, "Hey! I'm not the horny one, that's you. You keep touching me and making my body react." It was true that his touch made me want to sing. The attraction with Derek was much more intense than with my first mate. Derek stopped walking and placed me on my feet so I could see him. He had a frown on his face, and he avoided my eye contact. "Maybe we should just head back." Derek sighed and my heart ached. He went to turn around and I grabbed his arm, making him stop. "What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?" He looked at me before asking me, "Are you into me just because of the mating bond?" Goodness no, I shook my head and hugged him, "No Derek. I want to be with you and it's not because of the mate bond. I really want to be with just you." I was too terrified to release him. Derek knew my dark past, but he did not judge me, and he was someone who did not see me as a monster. He pulled me off him and I almost cried until I saw his smile. His lips pressed on to mine and our lips moved together in harmony. "I knew I loved you the moment my eyes landed on you in the parking lot, but I want you to love me too, Lena." He twirled me around away from him. In front of me was a grand picnic set up with food and bottles of wine. "What is this?" I gasped, taking in the view of the lake in front of the picnic set up. "This is our first date. I hope you like it." Derek said in a nervous tone as we sat on the blanket. "I set everything up when I left you earlier. I hope you like it." Derek sat nervously next to me as I tried my best not to jump him from excitement. I have never been on a date and no man has ever done anything like this for me.

"Are you serious? You did all this for me?" He nodded and his smile matched mine. Derek prepared food, paint, canvas, and even pillows for us to sit on. "Derek, this is amazing. I love it!" Smiling at him, I watched as he passed me a plate of food and poured me a glass of wine. We ate, drank, talked and painted until it was completely dark out. The more time I spent talking to Derek the more I found myself liking him. Derek was still an asshole, but he was also a big baby with a caring heart. He had soft eyes and a dark sense of humor. We had an amazing date. We ate almost everything he had prepared for us and became a little tipsy off of the wine. After we finished painting our canvas, we cuddled and watched the stars appear one after another into the dark sky. "I've never had someone do anything like this for me. I'm not sure how I am supposed to thank you properly." I sighed as I leaned against his chest." Derek chuckled and said, "Don't thank me yet." Just then, fireworks exploded into the dark sky. Different colors from white to purple and any other color you could possibly think of was displayed in the sky in shapes of hearts and stars. "Now you can thank me with a kiss." The dorky smile on his face gave him away. "Is that you're doing too?" I asked, and he nodded proudly. "Yes, I did it just for you." Leaning into him we kissed. Everything felt like it was different with him, but for the better. I felt as if I had no worries in life. "Do you often do this for women?" I don't know why, but I felt the need to ask him. "No, I have never done this for a woman before. The few women I dealt with, I barely even touched them. As for the ones that did stick around, they only stayed around long enough for me to fuck but no romantic shit." The way he looked at me as he spoke told me there was no lie in his words. "Why is your face so red? What type of answer were you expecting from me?" I turned away from him, looking back towards the fireworks. I don't know if I was angry with him or happy that I was the first woman he'd actually wanted to be romantic with, but I was still feeling an odd type of way since there was women before me. "I just wasn't expecting you to be so blunt." The words came out sharp. "Mate, now," Storms jealousy became my own jealousy, but I couldn't face him. "Seduce, mate," she commanded.

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