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                                                                                          Joey POV

I stood there helpless as I watched my only sister walk away. She left with only the clothes on her back to the Dark Forest. Only days after narrowly escaping death by her mate, she stood on her word to marry into that damn family. The cold ones don't deserve her. I went to follow her but a heavy hand on my shoulder held me back. "Don't let her resolve be for nothing. I know this is hard but think about her. Think about what she must be feeling. It took your sister a lot of courage to go through with this." My father spoke will watching Jewel walk away. A lone tear fell from his eyes. "But dad! She doesn't deserve to sacrifice herself like this." My father smiled, "I know she deserves better, but this was her choice, Joey. She wanted to save us so just think about that. She appointed you as alpha of the pack because she knew you were ready. Learn from your sister and be brave, my boy. It is up to us to carry on her legacy. It is up to us to prove we deserve her blessings." I looked back at my sisters back. 

He was right. I am the alpha and the oldest so I must make sure I show her that I am capable. I must not disappoint her. I must be strong and true just like her. Once she entered the forest, the pack fell to their knee and began to pray. I went to left he pack lands in search of Olivia. If I were to be a true alpha like my sister, then I must face my fears. I must man up and get my mate. I can't be a true alpha without a mate by my side. Before I could get out of the pack lands, Margret found me. "Joey." She called mw but I kept walking. "Joey, please can we talk." She continued to follow me, but my mind was on bring my mate home. "I'm busy." I said as I started on the walk to Olivia's pack. It was two packs over so I know it would take me now time to get there. "I can talk and walk Joey. Just..." She said behind me. "Just say what you have to say." I walked with her following me, in silence. Once I was only a few more steps away from Olivia's pack Margret started talking. "I want to try us again. I will do better this time. I can be what you need now." I laughed as I entered Olivia's pack land. People stared at us when we entered. Once I got closer to the pack house, the bystander started to bow their heads. "Thanks, but no thanks. We are over." She kept talking, "But why? I thought you liked me. Was that fake?" I turned to face her, and she had mustered up tears. "I did like you but that was it. We only dated for a short time so stop bothering me. Have you forgotten already what you did? You hit me and accused me of cheating on you Margret. Why the hell would I want to be with someone that hits me and doesn't trust me?" Her lip started to tremble, but I was becoming irritated. She reached for my arm, but I pushed her away from me roughly. "Don't touch me. It makes me nauseous." Her mouth fell open in shock. She growled and I turned around to face the door. "Why are you here?" She growled but I ignored her. I knocked on the door and an older woman answered looking at me with curious eyes. "You are?" She asked and I offered her a smile. "Hello ma'am, I am Alpha Joey of the White Fang Pack." Her mouth dropped and she bowed her head, but I pleaded for her to stand. "How silly of me to not know our saviors name." I smiled at her, "Oh ma'am, I am sorry, but it is my sister that deserves your kind words." She pouted her lips and frowned, "No sir. Your pack is our saviors. Without you then we would have gone to war with the cold ones long ago. You all saved us. What can I do for you sir?" I smiled at her, "I've come looking for my mate, Olivia." Her eyes widened and a big smile plastered on her face. 

"OLIVIA! THE DOOR IS FOR YOU." The woman yelled and walked away from the door. The sweet smell on warm honey caressed me from inside. "WHAT? WHY HER? Your mate? OLIVIA? That fucking pig! I WON'T ALLOW IT." Margret shouted angrily as Olivia appeared at the door. Olivia glared at me and then at Margret. Margret reached out to grab Olivia, but I grabbed her arm and broke it. Margret screamed in pain, but I did not care. I pushed her off the porch and growled, "Talk ill about my mate again and I will kill you. Go near her and I will kill you. Interfere in her life and I will kill you without a second thought. She is my mate. My only mate and the only woman I will ever want. If you don't like it, then leave the pack. I don't care." Margret backed away from me with fear oozing off of her and tears running down her face. "Joey?" Olivia's voice soothed my anger in an instant. I turned to her with a smile, "Yes, my dear mate?"

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