I Can Fix That

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It's been a month since I last spoke to Max, and I feel really bad about it. The plan was to get to know him but all I did was run from him. How could I face him after that day, he confessed he has waited all this time for his mate. No sex but I can't honesty say the same. My tears mixed with sweat as I punched the punching bag until my knuckles bled. Memories of that night haunted me, terrified me and ruled my life. How could I trust Max to be different when he is a man. "When are you going to stop tormenting yourself, child?" Polly let go of the punching and signaled for me to stop but I ignored his signal. "When are you going to stop punishing yourself for trusting? Now that you have made contact with him you both share the pain. Why put him through that?" My anger took advantage of my frustration and caused all the filling to drain from the punching bag. "Know what will become of you if you continue down this road. You are already losing control." Polly sighed, gesturing to the mess of a once punching bag on the gym floor. "JUST SHUT UP!" Tears ran down my cheeks as my voice became unrecognizable, along with the chilling, spine-aching pain that racked my body. Before my eyes, Polly was thrown across the room along with the once hung punching bag. W.What was that? What have I done?" Looking down at my hands, they were glowing a bright white light, Pally's groans made my tears fall faster and blood-covered his body.

I could not bring myself to look at him, but I could hear his pain. Polly, the man who took me in as his own and raised me was in pain because of me. I hurt him. "I'm so sorry. Polly, please forgive me. I don't know what happened. What am I?" I panicked. "Lena," Polly groaned, and my name was barely a whisper from his lips, yet I heard him. "It's okay. You're-" I cut him off, "No Polly! This is NOT okay! I'm sorry. I must go." I left as quickly as I arrived. My leg started to lose strength as I ran across the empty street and a pounding sensation tormented my head. Entering the tree line, my body shifted before I could strip out of my clothes. Shifting into my wolf was unbearably painful this time. Maybe it's because I don't shift often or maybe this is proof that something is wrong with me. My screams turned to howls, clothes ripped to shreds in the process. My legs shook as I tried to run to the pack house. Everything hurt so bad, but I kept trying to run despite my legs not listening, I kept falling. The forest was quite beside my whimpering and panting. "Help." For the first time ever, I opened myself to allow the packs link to fully connect. For help I had to use the packs link. I just prayed that someone would hear me and wanted to help me. My brother Chase responded first. "Lena?" "Help," I cried into the link as I collapsed to the ground again. "Where are you?" I barely heard him through the many conversations being had through the link, but I shouted, "WOODS!" Shortly after, everything went dark. There is no telling how long I laid unconscious on the cold forest's ground before I felt my body being lifted. Bright white light forced my eyes open to see a foggy field. The fog began to thin, revealing my parents. I tried to talk but no words came out. My parents were facing each other having a conversation completely unaware of me standing here. "If we leave, she will have a chance at surviving." My father spoke in a hushed tone. "If we leave, she won't have protection!" My mother was shaking her head. They seemed to be arguing as a woman with black hair I did not know stood between them. She looked to be an older woman with a tired face. A little boy was in her arms, asleep on her chest. "Trust me, she WILL NOT be safe here. I know my mother and father's thoughts for her future. I refuse to allow her to go through what you went through. I wish for her to grow up with a smile on her face. Not hunted for elders' ambitions." My father's words brought tears to my mother's eyes, but she agreed with him but questioned. "We have no protection out there. Who will protect her?" That's when my father smiled, "Trust me. She has a protector and when the time comes, he WILL step up." She looked confused but father reassured her that all will be okay.

"What if the one you speak of is already dead as we speak." My mother questioned again, sobbing while holding her now round belly. "I would know. Trust me. It's in our blood." My father hugged my sobbing mother then the fog engulfed them. A small figure, dressed in white appeared now where my parents once stood. Her white hood covered her eyes, and a mask covered her mouth, but I could hear her clearly, she was using a mind link. She just stood in front of me for a while then spoke, "Two halves equals one, joint forever through first touch. Awakened. Death. Mates for life through destiny. Live to fight. Die to Love. Engulf moon, shine, bear, love moon til mate. Moon awakens with a mate's death. Once hidden can now be FOUND!" Red eyes appeared as the hood was now gone and the figure launched towards me with bloodied hands. He hands pierced my heart, and my scream blew the figure away just like it once did to Polly. My ears began ringing so much my eyes slammed shut. The ringing was gone. Opening my eyes again to see a white ceiling with long skinny lights. A beeping sound entered my ears, like the ones in hospitals. Attempting to lift my arm but they did not move. Neither of my arms listened to my demands. "Please, calm down." I heard a voice, so I turned my head both ways but saw nothing but a giant window like a mirror. My figure looked back at me until I could see the man on the other side. "Ms. James, I am the pack's doctor, and I will be doing everything in my power to help you today." The man in a white coat spoke while holding a clipboard in one arm with a pen in his hand. "Now before I remove your restraints, I need you to tell me a few things first, deal?" Nodding my head in agreement, I was happy to know I was not actually paralyzed. "Perfect, first question is do you know who you are?" "My name is Lena James." My throat vibrates after each answer I speak. "Where are you from?" I tried to think but nothing came to mind. I told him I did not remember, and he made a face while writing something down. "How old are you?" I answered that question easily. "Do you have any blood relatives and who are they?" I answered, "Travis James." He paused while looking at something on the left of him then made a face before writing something else down. "Have you mated?" I answered incorrectly and he continued with the questions. "Do you remember how you came to be at the pack house, I shook my head no. "Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

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