What Happened in the Cabin

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I was alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Fear began to sink in finally realizing I did not know this man at all. He could have saved me and be harboring his own ill intentions. It could be so that he could be the first one to have me or even worse. He may be out right now gathering his friends to come back here. The panic raced through my body. I fought against the paralyzing drug and was able to move my finger. I kept trying and was able to feel my leg twitch. One by one my body responded to me. I used the little bit of strength I had and pulled myself to the edge of the bed, dragging my legs. All I had to do was get to the edge of the bed and swing my body around so that my legs would be forced to carry my weight. I pulled myself until I could see off the edge of the bed. I tried to sit up but was unsuccessful. I then tried to reach for my thigh to pull my leg but lost my balance and fell off the bed. My head connected first, and everything became spotty again. I was losing consciousness. The last thing I saw was red liquid.

My body became super cold in an instant and then I felt a little bit of warmth. "What the hell were you thinking! You damn warm bloods are such idiots!" The voice sounded really angry and close. Opening my eyes, I saw Jasper glaring down at me with two big buckets in his arms. "Were you trying to kill yourself! I should have left you in that alley to die then." He sat the buckets down and came towards me. With each step my heart raced, and fear flooded my veins. He reached towards me and lifted me into his arms. Then he placed me back on the bed. "Look at this mess you made. You are going to attract unwanted attention. It is so much blood." He was still leaning over me when he started to breathe heavily. His lips were slightly parted and a light shade of pink to match his flushed cheeks. His crystal blue and emerald, green eyes shined even brighter, and a glowing white circle was around his pupils. He lowered his face until his eyes bore directly into mine and our lips almost touched.

He hovered above me, our breath mingling together. I found myself lost in his eyes, unable to look away. I felt his hands on my thigh and I swore I felt something when he touched me. Something different. His words were so harsh but his touch was so gentle. I do not know which one I should listen to. Is this even real? His hand left my thigh and reappeared, caressing my face. The pain that overcame my head no doubt from my fall was gone the moment he touched me. What type of fast acting healing magic did he have? Suddenly, Jasper fell backwards or more like he threw himself backwards, away from me. "What did you just do to me?" Looking back at me, he glared before storming away with the two buckets. One of his hands was covered in my blood.

When he was out of sight, realization of what almost happened struck me like a lighten bolt. He almost kissed me. He touched my legs. My legs, which were bare, exposed him and refused to listen to me. I was trapped. Unable to fight him off if he decided to take me and unable to run. Fear coated every inch of my body now and when he returned from behind the curtain I froze. He is glaring at me coldly and walking this way with another small bottle in his hands. It is a tonic for sure but for what? To keep me paralyzed or help me? He put it to my lips and this time my mouth listened to me. It did not open for him. "Open your mouth." He commanded but I just glared back at him until he backed away from me with an amused look on his face. "What's this glare for?" Was this man bipolar or is he just playing with me? "What's in the bottle?" I asked, surprised I could talk but I kept my glare on him strong and unwavering. "Aww, it's nice to see you got your voice back warm blood." Now it was my turn, "Answer my question." I commanded but he laughed at me. Mocking me in the process and pissing me off. "A tonic. What, you do not trust me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "No, I don't." He closed his eyes the moment I said no and his grinned faded. When he opened his eyes, that cold glare was back. "Smart warm blood." This man was definitely toying with me. I cannot trust him. He unscrewed the top off the bottle and tossed it back, taking a small shot of the tonic. Our eyes locked as he licked his lips. "See, it is not poison. It's only an antidote." I watched him closely before finally giving in to him. "Hand it to me." He made a face and place the bottle in my hand but I could not close my hand enough to grab the bottle, let alone lift it. "Well go on then, grab it. You wanted to do it yourself so grab it. Hurry it up warm blood." Jasper snarled and glared at me but no matter what I did, I could not grab the bottle so I gave up. Tears flooded my eyes and watered my cheeks. "GO ON WARM BLOOD. GRAB IT!" Jasper snarled and I screamed, "I CAN'T! I CAN'T!" The scream turned into an uncontrollable sob. My vision became blurry but I was thankful I could not see that ass, Jasper through my tears.

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