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"Derek!" I screamed out for him, but I was yanked backwards so hard it felt like my arm would break. "Are you really going to chase that asshole? SCREW HIM!" Tim tried to pull me backwards against him, but I fought to get away. I pushed and tugged to get out of his grasp, but he refused to let go of me. "LET ME GO NOW!" I screamed and punched him in his already bloody nose. "WHY? FOR HIM, I REFUSE!" He yelled back at me, so I punched him in his throat, making his hold on me loosen me but I was not able to get loose as he slung me to the floor. My head hit the floor with force making my vision blur. Opening my eyes, Max stood over me covered in blood. Images of Max punching and kicking me made me scream. Blinking the tears away, Max became Tim, and I could see someone was pulling him away from me. Derek was pulling Tim out of the room while Tim was struggling against him yelling and cursing. Once he was gone, I slammed the door shut and locked it. I could still hear Tim yelling on the other side of the door but then he was silent. I didn't dare open the door. Curling into a ball on the bed, I listened as if something or someone was being dragged away.

I stayed in my room thinking to myself how could I get myself into situations like this? Had Tim always been aggressive, and I just did not notice although I did not know him much? Why did Derek help me? What was it that he wanted to talk about? I did not know if the vision I had were my memories I'd lost to Max's potions or just plain fear. Fear, that is one thing I have never truly experienced until now. Fear kept me confused and locked inside my dark room. As if I jinxed myself, a knock came. At first, I thought it was Derek, but the scent did not match my hopes. Thankfully, it did not smell of blood nor Tim, so I opened the door hesitantly. Auntie Carol stood in front of me with a bright smile. "Auntie." My voice quivered as I spoke, and she hugged me. "My dear girl, I'm here." She comforted me as I released the emotions I'd bottled up. She let me cry without saying anything and when I was done, she wiped my face. "I haven't seen you in a while Lena. Would you like to go with me to the garden?" She asked. Everything in me just wanted to stay put but her smile soothed my anxiousness. I joined her. It was dark outside, and the air was chilly. The moon lit the path to the garden as we walked. "You don't have to talk. News travels fast in packs which I'm sure you know." She paused before continuing to give me a chance to speak but I stayed quiet. "Tim has been dealt with, so I believe he won't be a problem." She said as she places her wrinkled hand on my shoulder with a smile, "Nothing that happened to you is your fault. Things happen all the time. Bad things happen to good people but don't let that define you. You should live bravely and at your own pace. You have so much life to live and so much love to give Lena. Don't bottle it up and hide it away my dear, you will never know the type of hell someone is going through unless you are brave enough to open that door." I was now crying heavily as she held me. It was like I needed to hear her words without realizing it. The heavy pressure felt like it was lifted from my shoulders. I made a deal with her that night. I would live bravely and unapologetically the best way I could while I was in the pack. I would try my best to live life and move on. I won't let a man ruin my life and haunt me anymore. I started waking up early in the mornings to run on my own time. It helped with clearing my head and I felt more energetic than I have in a long time. It was almost like the morning training sessions with Polly. Polly had a saying and I decided to live by it, "Keep your head even if you must cry and scream. Never allow your head to fall and never allow your crown to hit the floor." It was something he started saying to me before I even started fighting in the ring.

Occasionally, I would see Derek in the mornings. We acknowledged each other but we did not talk. He would look at me as if he wanted to speak but would keep his mouth closed. "Hey, Lena, right?" A man approached me with a stern look on his face. I nodded my head, "Yes, sir." I answered. He looked older than my auntie. "We have not met yet, but you can call me coach." He smiled, "I train the pack in the mornings three times a week. I noticed you running in the mornings so why not join us." I accepted his offer and followed him to a clearing where only a few people were standing, talking. "Lena!" Kelly called out my name. "It's so nice to see you!" Kelsey added as the girls approached me with warm smiles. "How are you doing?" Lilith asked with a concerned look on her face. "It is nice to see you girls too and I am feeling okay so thank you for asking." I gave them a smile back. It was nice to be greeted so warmly. We talked for a few minutes before they excused themselves one at a time to communicate with their men of choosing. I on the other hand watched Derek who was surrounded by women. "He's always surrounded my women just so you know." Tim's voice came from behind me, so I moved away from him without even looking.

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