Disgraceful Alpha

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She finally pulled away from him but not without kissing him again. "It's been such a long time; I almost did not recognize you as you are now. You look amazing!" I watched as the girl held onto Derek's arm, pressing her breast against him. They were basically falling out of her dress. I wanted to call out to him, but I couldn't. I felt like something was stuck in my throat, stopping me from calling out to my mate. "What are we watching, beautiful?" The alpha asked in a quiet tone, but my eyes were stuck on the scene in front of me. "My mate."

"My mate." The words felt like acid as I watched a woman cling to my man. My fucking mate! "Why are you standing here then if that is your mate? Why are you hiding out over here after all the whining you were doing about finding him?" The alpha asked me in a hushed tone, but I did not answer him this time. I was focused on the scene that made my core boil. I did not know why I was hiding and watching him now after searching for him. I watched as she pressed her breast against Derek's chest. She got close to his ear and whispered something in his ear with a smirk on her stupid face. He looked like his body reacted to her touch when she placed a hand on his chest. Turning my head away from the scene at play, I could not take watching them anymore. Watching another woman touch Derek was not something I can handle. It was hard enough with my raging hormones, but I was struggling to keep tears from falling down my face.

"Lena." The alpha opened his arms to hug me, but I pushed his arms away from me. I angrily wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand. "No, I am sorry but I, I just want to leave now. I am going back to my room." I cried and walked away from the alpha. Why would Derek do something like this to me? What about our child? If he is just acting like that then maybe I should not even tell him about our child. I should just make it easy for the both of us and just really disappear. Maybe then I will not get in his way. He can have a peaceful life with her. Just as I was turning to walk away for good, I stopped in my track. Even with tears filling my eye I could still make out the male figure from across the room by the form of his overly confident walk. I made eye contact with Max. Shit! He practically flew across the ballroom floor before I could even react and grabbed me by my shoulders. "Get off of me!" I growl but his grip on me tightened. "LET ME GO NOW!" I begged but came out as a scream. The alphas that was near me all turned around to see the commotion. Quick on their feet, two alphas shoved Max and some other alphas started growling at Max, but he refused to release me. "Take your filthy hands off of her." An alpha from the group commanded as the alpha group surrounded Max but he ignored them and wrapped an arm around my neck tightly, threatening my life with his sharp claws. "No thanks. I only came to this stupid thing because I was looking for her. Now, I got what I wanted so move the fuck out of my way before I kill you. I am out and she is coming with me. Try to stop me and my pack will attack." I struggled against his strong grip on my body, but he did not let go of me. To my surprise the alphas stepped aside. Fucking wimps! "Get off of me," I screamed at Max again, but he just laughed and continued to pull me away by force. He was pulling me so hard that the shoes ripped off of my feet and the back of my heels started to leave a bloody trail path as they scraped the floor. Max continued to shove his way through the crowd, gaining attention thanks to my screaming. He seemed to get more and more attention as I continued to fight against Max harder. "Somebody help me please! Someone please help me!" I cried out and all the alphas along the way started to pay more attention, but they did nothing to help me. No one moved to help me but one man. The one man I could not face right now but here he was. Calling my name and running towards me. "Lena!" A dark, aggressive growl rippled through the crowd, and everyone moved out of its owner's way to show a furious Derek. The strange woman still at his side but this time he had a hand around her throat, and she had tears in her eyes. Her eyes resembled mine, fear. Thankfully, some alphas barricaded the path Max was taking. "DAMMIT MOVE!" Max screamed at the alphas, but they did not move even one inch. They refused to let Max move any further as Derek approached with a woman, screaming, and crying at his beckon call. You can tell from the colors of purple she was turning in her face that the grip on her neck was lethal. It made my heart skip a beat. "Do you think this is a joke, Max? This is what you really want to play at? And you alpha, you invite me here and send this thing to me while the whole time you had my mate!" Holy mackerel Derek was fuming. I have never seen him so angry. He was shaking so hard I thought he would shift at any moment and the poor girl was getting dragged along a lot more aggressively than me. What is with these men grabbing on women and dragging us around like we are ragdolls? "Ohh Derek, do not flip this around on me. I was playing no games. I just wanted to know who this lovely lady's mate truly was. You see, Max had fliers made and was searching for Ms. Lena. I personally would love for her to stay with me. I would love to mate with her and have her give birth to children but if she chooses to leave, I will not stop her. However, if she choose to stay, you will not stop her." The alpha in charge spoke, stepping into the crowd and towards me. Stopping a few feet away from me after Derek roared like a freaking lion, wolf hybrid with glowing white eyes but the alpha continued to talk, "That is all. No need to be so ferocious towards me, Alpha Derek. I understand you are new to this position; however, I do not think threatening one of my pack members is a good thing to do right now in front of all the alphas here. You see, that could be shown or taken as a threatening gesture that you want war. I mean, I am a forgiving man so just release my pack member and we can work on if your mate wants to go home with you. That is, if Alpha Max releases her that is. If not, then that is something between you two or should I say three since Lena is involved?" I could not distinguish if the alpha were joking or serious, but from his body posture I think he was dead serious right now. No way would I stay here and bear children for him. I wanted to go home if I even had a home to go to. Derek narrowed his eyes at the alpha then tossed the woman to the growl forcefully, making his head bounce against the ballroom floor twice. She made a sound at impact, then struggled to her feet while gasping for air. She crawled towards her alpha, crying but his eyes were focused on me.

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