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The closer we got to the door, the stronger he became as he continued to pull me from the bar's dance floor and my friends. I struggled against his grasp, but I could not get free from his grip. He yanked me around like a rag doll making it impossible to balance myself and fight against him. "Where are you taking my girl?" I could cry with happiness as I watched Derek block the path to the door. Mate! Derek glared at the boy who was trying to charm his way past him. "No, bro I think you are mistaken. This hottie came here with me tonight so if you'd excuse us so we can leave." Derek glared down at the boy and then his gaze found me. "Derek." I sobbed and all hell broke loose as Derek pulled me from the stranger. Derek had his arm around me and held the boy's wrist in his other hand. "You should know that lying is bad." Derek growled at the boy who was wincing and cursing. "Touching something that does not belong to you is worst." The boy screamed as I watched Derek break the boy's wrist, bending backwards and then pushing him to the ground. "I'll kill you next time for putting your hand on my girl." Derek growled and the boy pulled himself up from the floor and ran away. We watched the boy bump into bystanders on his way out.  I did not move, too afraid that I was dreaming. That the Derek who saved me was just my imagination and the tingles in my body were a lie. "Are you hurt." Derek asked, looking down at me. Our eyes staring into each other's and everything else faded away. "No." I answered, and he made a face. "Are you drunk?" He seemed amused and a lustful smirk danced on his face, "What makes you think that I am drunk?" Pressing my body flush against Derek, I shot back but even I could hear the slur in my speech. I could feel his body stiffen against me. "You were stumbling, and it made you easy prey for thrash like that." Derek explained sounding mad or irritated which made me feel sad. 

He was too handsome to be mad or irritated. Surprising me, Derek placed both of his hands on the side of my face and lowered himself until we were eye level with each other. How was I just now realizing just how tall of a man he was. Being so close to him set my body into a fit of please and pleased my demanding wolf. Between my now hardened nipples and the second heartbeat between my legs, I could not decide how to react. "You smell like you drank a lot." Derek smiled as if he'd won something, shattering the last bit of resistance I'd had for him. Pushing myself until I stood on the tip of my toes, our lips connected. I kissed him aggressively as if he'd run away but he did not. He started kissing me back immediately, pulling my body closer to his. It felt like fireworks were being set off. In this moment, I felt so alive and like this was where I was meant to be, with him. Being in Derek's arms, kissing him and even the hard erection that was pressing into me all felt right. Too soon, Derek pulled away from the kiss. The smile on my face stretched from cheek to cheek but Derek's expression was different. 

He did not smile at all. Releasing me, he turned away to leave me without saying a word. I clumsily chased behind him, but the liquor made it hard to even walk. Wobbling, I followed Derek until the cold night air caressed my overheating body. I felt like a drop of cold water dropping in the hottest desert. "Where are you going?" I called out to Derek's retreating figure, "why are you running away?" He turned to look at me with a shocked expression, "Why are you following me?" He sounded angry. "I just wanted to see if you were okay." Regret began to fill me as I watched him leave me behind. He was trying to get away from me.  "Just hurry up and go find your friends. It's not safe for you to be alone." He instructed, not sparing me another look. His words cut like a sharp piece of ice. I watched as he opened his car door, only pausing for a second. "I'm not alone if I'm with you." I whimpered at the thought of him leaving me, but he stood frozen. The sound of his door unlocking rang in my ears. Quickly, I got into the passenger seat of his car and listened as he locked the doors.

The silence was unbearable in his car. You could faintly hear the music from inside the bar in his car and there was no one outside of the bar. It was Derek who broke the long silence between us. "Don't you feel nervous, or even scared to be locked in the car with man, alone?" Turning to look at Derek, our eyes met. He was staring intensely at me. "Why would I be scared to be around my mate?" I asked him back, not breaking our eye contact. He did not answer right away. "Why did you kiss me and don't say it's because I'm your mate?" His question caught me off guard. Who would not want to kiss their mate if they had the chance too? "You saved me tonight. Despite the fact you don't like me, you still saved me." I told him with a sad smile, only now realizing what I'd said. He has shown me that he did not like me, but here I am pushing myself on him. I even forced a kiss on him in a room surrounded by people and our pack. The smile fell from my face and tears left my eyes in seconds of realizing I'd messed up. Regret started to rush over me, so I diverted my eyes from Derek and reached for the door handle. "I don't not like, Lena." His confession made me freeze. His hand cupped my chin and turned my face back to his. His eyes were somehow gentle and then his lips were on mine. This time he kissed me! His lips on mine felt desperate for connection and all too soon they were gone. His forehead rested on mine with his eyes closed. "I'm damaged Lena. I'm fucked up and if you chose me then I'd probably fuck you up too." He sounded so vulnerable at that moment. I never knew a man could sound how he'd sounded. "No, Derek you won't." I whispered but he shook his head and pulled away from me. "I'm an asshole and I'm blunt. I don't trust anyone, and I've killed before Lena. You don't want someone like me to be your mate." He'd killed someone. He said it loud and clear as he sat in his seat, staring at me like a broken man. I could almost see the pain in his eyes. Placing my hand on his chest, I could feel his rapid heartbeat. "Derek, I'm not a perfect girl. My life has never been normal. I'm damaged too." He shook his head as if he did not believe me, "Derek, I have taken a life." Then we were frozen, looking at each other as if we were finally on the same page. 

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