Til Death Do Us Part

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                                                                                        Jewel POV

"Greetings King Derek. Greetings Queen Lena." Alpha of the Abuu Pack greeted once all the alphas had entered the meeting room. Alpha Max kept sneaking glances at me, but I ignored him. Alpha Sid also glanced at me twice but that was it. It seemed the other alphas were also affected by my presence. I sat in the corner watching the meeting commence. One alpha who's name I did not remember looked at me with lustful eyes, but I simply glared back at him. How bold is he? I watched as the alphas obeyed my father and talked amongst each other as equals. "Alpha Joey, the coordination will be underway within two days. We are to await the cold one's arrival at the tree line. That is when Goddess Jewel will enter the Dark Forest." Alpha Sid stated clearly looking distressed. "Is there any other news that should be discussed at this moment?" My father asked and everyone remained quiet until Alpha Sid raised his hand. "I have news to share with the king and my fellow alphas. I have two sons. Gavin was the youngest of the two. My first born soon has been away for a long time and is ignorant to the laws in place here." Alpha Sid had another son huh? That's a little surprising but if he is anything like Gavin then he should stay away. "If he is not here with you then I feel then to as you, why?" The alphas started whispering among themselves and Alpha Sid started to look uncomfortable. It was a look that I started to enjoy. It was a good look for him. "My son was a little wild sir. We felt the need to send him away to a reforming camp." A reforming camp? What was that? I have never heard of something as that. Just how terrible was he that he had to be sent away? The alphas became silent and Alpha Sid lowered his head. It was obvious that he felt embarrassed by his sons short coming. "Keep going. What did he do that was so unsettling that you felt the need to hide him away in a boarding school for the unfortunate?" Alpha Sid then raised his head but lowered it again when he met my fathers' eye. Alpha Sid then glanced at me but quickly cleared his throat. "My son had a knack for trouble. He was a very irrational child. I feared he enjoyed pranks too much and was bad at studying. He was too driven by his desires and acted on impose. That was back then sir. I was constantly informed of his progress since then and I am sure he will be of no problems. He graduated the top of his class, and he was given honorable mentions from many of his professors."

"Get to the point Alpha Sid." My father commanded and Alpha Sid cleared his throat, "Please allow my son to enter the colony so that I may be my successor. He is now my only blood I fear that is fit to be among the alphas in my pack. You see my wife is unable to bear any more children and after Gavin's mistakes, she fears even trying for more. Please king, allow my son to return. Please don't make me turn my son away when he has nowhere to go. I am sure he will be of great service to your majesty. Just give him one chance to prove himself." The crowd of alphas started to whisper amongst themselves before my father silenced themselves. My fathers' eyes found mine and I just shrugged. I did not care since I wouldn't be here anyway. "Dear?" My father asked through a mind link, but I smiled at him. My mother looked frustrated, no doubt thinking about what could happen. He looked at Joey and then my mother before turning back to the alphas that awaited his decision. "Allow him in but if he steps out of line at any time, I will deal with you, you pack and him so do inform your son of how important his actions are from now on." My father sighed, "He will be allowed to join the colony but make sure he understands the rules of the colony. You are all dismissed." The alphas bowed and then filtered out the room. "Did you really given his son permission to enter?" My mother growled at my father, so I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Mom don't be mad at dad. I told him to do it." My mother made raised her fist at my dad before mumbling something. My father started to laugh, "Catch me if you can!" He stuck his tongue out at her and ran from the room. "HOW DARE YOU, TURD!" She shouted while slipping from me. She chased my father from the room and probably out of the pack house. They are more childish than ever. I decided to leave the pack lands and explore the town before I am shipped off to the Dark Forest. The town was not crowded and carried a calm atmosphere. I walked up and down the sidewalk watching the once rogues move about in the town. They now had a purpose and some of the rogues had families. Little baby wolves chased each other while their mom sat on a bench nearby. 

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