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"Don't come back here, ever."

"Are you insane? You could have died! You have not even shifted yet! Jewel are you even listening to me right now?" My mother looked so angry, but I would not dare admit I was not listening at all. That would be asking for death on a silver platter. I could not get Jaspers' last words out of my head. "JEWEL!" My mother yelled, making me lift my head to see her and my father standing in front of me with glowing eyes. I was in real trouble. "I'm sorry. Mom, Papa, I did not know anything about the Dark Forest. I just wanted to bring honor to our pack. I just wanted us to finally be treated as equals." I confessed, thinking about how I ended up in the forest.

"Speak from the beginning, Jewels." My father commanded. His alpha command felt overwhelming, so I recalled everything that happened at school and how I went into the Dark Forest for the black rose. "In the end the alpha and beta sons said that they all have done it. If I did not do it, then our pack would be classified as weak and had no right to join the colony. I promise I just wanted to do what I could for the pack. That's all I wanted." My father instructed I go to my room and the moment I closed the door to their room I could hear my mother. She was furious. "How dare those little brats! Weak? Ha, I should go to their packs and show them just how superior we are compared to those chumps." I could feel the hatred in her voice. "Lena, I know you are angry but remember the teachings. We must not expose our gifts no matter how angry we are." My father sounded like he was trying to calm her, but she screamed, "OUR DAUGHTER GOT BAITED INTO A TRAP! WHAT IF SHE DIED!" The sound of glass shattering came from the room and then my mother's crying. "I am angry too but please calm yourself. You do not want to scare the kids and what if you are carrying? Do not strain yourself my love. I am here and we will handle this together, immediately."

I quickly walked to my room and sat on my bed. Not only did I get tricked to go into the forest, but mom might be pregnant? Those darn alpha and beta brats tricked me. They really set me up to die. If I had not run into Jasper, I wonder what would have happened to me. "Jewelee?" Joey's voice called from the other side of the door. "Joey!" I called out to him, and the door opened showing my worried brother. "Thank god you are safe." He pulled me into a hug before pushing me away and thumping my forehead. "OUCH!" I cried but he crossed his arms with a frown on his face. He was angry too. "How dare you do something so dangerous! How could you allow someone to pressure you into doing something so dangerous!" He growled. I stared at him in shock. This was the first time Joey got mad. He was originally the mellow twin while I struggled to stay calm, and he growled. He has not even shifted yet so how did he growl at me? "You growled." I stated but he kept glaring at me with glowing eyes, so I quickly apologized. "Jewely, you can't be so trusting even if they are so called alpha or betas sons." Joey closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, they were back to normal again. "I did not know I was being tricked." I sighed, finally realizing how worried everyone was for me. Here I was only thinking I was doing what was right for the pack but that made me weak prey for those that wish to harm. "Jewelee," Joey called my name, but I felt too ashamed to look up and face him. "Jewelee," He called me again, but I shook my head. "I just want to be alone right now. Please, Joey." I bit down on my lip in an attempt to keep the tears in my eyes that threatened to fall. "Sure, I will be next door if you need anything." Joey said in a low tone as he walked away from me and exited my room, leaving me alone. I sobbed all night until I fell asleep.

Mother and father refused to let me go to school for two days after that. Finally, when I was allowed to go back, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I kept my head down and did what my teachers asked. Ignored the alpha and beta brats much to their displeasure. "What is this? You think you can go into the forest and come back out alive and now you are hot shit?" The tallest among the alpha kids approached me with narrowed eyes. I did not answer him, instead I kept walking. I was supposed to be meeting in the parking lot with the others. "Look at that! She ignored Gavin like he was not even there." Someone gasped but I continued walking. So, his name was Gavin, huh? I thought to myself, leaving the crowd behind me. Pushing the double door open, the warm breeze of outside air caressed my face. "Hey, WWAIT! Who said you could leave?" An angry Gavin appeared behind me. He grabbed me by the wrist roughly stopping me in my tracks, not allowing me to leave. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" I screamed at Gavin, but he laughed. "So now you see me. Say please sir alpha and I might let you go." He was insane. No way did he think I would really say that. "JOEY!" I screamed and Gavin narrowed his eyes. "My name is not Joey." He growled, bearing his canines at me. "She was calling me." In the blink of an eye, Joey had a hand around Gavins's wrist. "Take your hand off of her now." Joey commanded sounding just like dad but Gavin squeezed my wrist harder making me cry out in pain. Without saying another word, Gavin's grip on me loosened and Joey had a hand around his neck, lifting him off of the ground. "So, you must be the one that made Jewel go into the Dark Forest." Joey stated in a cold toned voice. "Joey! Jewel! What are you doing? Put him down, Joey!" Grandma Carol approached us, screaming while Gavin gasped and fought against Joey. "Why should I? He started it by harassing Jewel." Joey laughed, not once taking his eyes off of Gavin. "We can handle this situation in a better way, I promise so just put him down. He is turning purple!" She was scared, begging Joey to stop. I could understand those feelings. Joey was never the aggressor no matter what I did to him. "Let's go home Joey." I did not expect him to listen to me, but he did. He dropped Gavin and watched him hit the ground hard, gasping for air before he walked away. The ride home was long but silent this time. The other kids in the pack were too afraid to talk. No doubt they were having silent mind link conversations about what happened today. They watched it all go down so at least we had proof that Gavin started it. A girl that sat in the front kept glancing at Joey. She did it often even at the pack house. I think she has a crush but who am I to interfere with love? "Joey, you were really cool today. So brave to put that bully in his place." She gushed. You could practically see the heart in the air around her, but Joey's reply was bland. "Thanks, Margret." She turned two dark shades of red the moment he said her name. Score brother, I did not know he knew her name. When did that happen? I rested my head on the window and watched the trees dance in the wind. A pair of mismatched eyes stared back at me, crystal blue and emerald, green eyes but when I blinked, they were gone. I wonder what Jasper was doing right now. I wonder what pack he was from. Did he get home safely? Did he eat? Does he have parents waiting for him at home? What is his favorite color? What does he do for fun? Not that I can answer honestly but how old is he? I have so many questions, but I have no clue as to when I will get answers. A deep sigh left my lips as we approached the pack house. "Everyone is to report to the main hall for a meeting." Grandma Carol instructed as we left the vehicle. I followed the large crowd of pack members to the main hall, only stopping occasionally when an adult greeted me. It was something I grew used to, being the alpha's daughter and all is arduous work with everyone's eyes always on me. Entering the main hall, I slipped away from the older pack members until I found my mom. She looked tense but offered me a gentle smile. "Come stand, Jewels." She instructed but made a face and asked, "Where is your brother?" I was unaware of Joey's location in the room full of people but my mother with her blood hound nose found him immediately. "Ah, there he is." She smiled while looking into a sea of bodies. Just when I was about to ask her a question, my father's voice silenced everyone. "I appreciate you all for joining me here today to discuss the future of our pack today." My father started and many of the members spoke their appreciation for his consideration. It was something father often tried to do. He says being considerate of others will keep your soul light and it is the right thing to do.

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