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My vision became spotty as I fought against her grip on me. She was going to kill me! Drown me! The water became scorching hot around me. Mother screeched, pulling her hands away from me. Standing to my feet while struggling to breathe, her screams became mixed with cries became music to my ears. The skin from her elbows to her hands was nonexistent. The water evaporated from the bathtub as a ring of fire slowly circled mother. "WHAT ARE YOU!" She screamed at me with tears of blood falling from her eyes. "Your daughter." I smiled watching her scream. Her shoe melted away and the skin on her legs started to roast. "Dance! DANCE MOTHER!" I laughed watching the ring of fire grow around her burning her alive. The red flames turned to blue in the blink of an eye. "YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER LIKE YOUR FATHER!" She screamed while trying to run from the flames, but they followed her into my room, and into the hallway. I followed her and with every insult she cursed at me the brighter the blue flamed burned her. She collapsed right in front of Xavior, rolling around on the floor but he spared her no time. His smile match mine. His eyes were glued to my naked body with a big smile on his face. "I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one I was looking for. So beautiful." He called out to me over my mother's screams. On his knees, Xavior prayed but my focus was on burning mother to the bone. "YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!" She screamed but Xavior laughed like a madman. "How ironic! You dare use the same dying words as your husband? How bold you are." Xavior laughed barely dodging my mother who threw herself towards him but fell down the stairs miserably. As if karma was not done, a chandelier fell from the ceiling, almost smashing Xavior in an instant. After dodging the chandler, he fell backwards into a blue fiery pit leaving me alone, laughing. I laughed watching the blue flames spread and paint peel from the walls, turning to ash I walked through the flames and out of the burning house. The sound of crackling echoed with the night cold breeze. The moon was high in the sky, shinning down on the garden. Hanging like ornaments on a Christmas tree was Sarah, Chase, Chris, the chemist and Anthony. Their bodies were covered in bruises and cuts. My laughed continued but my heart ached for Anthony. The blue flames spread and engulfed the bodies. My feet moved, taking me into the woods as the sound of sirens echoed in the distance. Walking away from the burning prison I cried before shifting into my wolf, "Goodbye father."  

I watched the house burn to the ground in the middle of the night. The moon was my witness as I watched fire trucks arrive. Little did they know, it was so far too late to put this fire out. Thankfully, none of the firefighters saw me in the woods, but I saw them. Most of the houses are already falling and sunken in. The blue flames were beautiful, and they engulfed everything in sight. I shed one last tear thinking about my father before I turned away. The night was cold, but my body was still hot, and it seemed I was steaming. The cold knight springs hugged my finger, massaging my fur with every step I took through the woods. He was quiet out, like every living thing in the area ran away. I could not even hear a mouse squeak. All I heard was the distinct crackling of the fire I lit. My paws pressed into the dampened grass on the path I traveled, and tree branches held leaves hostage over my head. The further away I traveled, silence became my companion in the darkness. The only thing that was on my mind now was Derek. How was he doing? Where was he right now? Is this mission going, okay? Is he safe? I would be lying if I said the journey ahead of me would be a short one. I knew for sure. I had no idea which way I was going, and I had no idea how to get home. My wolf refused to allow me to turn back into my human form, and my sickness was becoming worse with each passing day. I only ate what I caught. I only slept for a few hours. I could hear the bustling of day-by-day human interactions the closer I got to the street, but I stayed covered in the camouflage of the forest trees. I only ventured out to find clues as to where I was when there were no humans around. Not that it helped much anyway, since I did not know where I was. 

One day things changed, and I had been spotted by what I thought were humans until they chased me into the forest. They clearly were not afraid. So, were they hunters? If they were hunters, that would be even worse. They've got one away as I watched them shift into a various of brown wolves. They were snapping at my heels but stopped when a tall man stepped in front of me, cutting off my path. I was so engrossed by them that I did not realize I had been surrounded by them. He stood in front of me, and the wolves circled me. They were growling and snarling, which I was growling back at them. I was bigger than the Wolves, but I was too weak to even think of fighting them. Had to find a way out and fast. I growled at the man, but he stood his ground. He did not even flinch. "Kill him." Storm instructed, but I just shook my head. I might be able to kill him, but while I am doing that, I know for sure these wolves would pounce me. That is not a risk I am willing to take. I have to get home no matter what. The man stood shirtless in front of me with only shorts on. "Shift." The stranger demanded. He sounded a little bit like an alpha. My wolf growled at his command. "How dare he try to command us! Rip head off." She felt completely insulted but I could hear the Alpha tone on him when he repeated himself. "SHIFT NOW." She was appalled, but I on the other hand I kind of wished she would just allow me to shift. I haven't been in my human form in over three weeks now. Heck, I did not even know if I could turn back at this point. "You are trespassing on my territory, so it would be in your favor if you shifted now. To avoid bloodshed, I advise you to listen." His pastor was unwavering, but I was unwavering myself. No way would I shift and stand naked in front of this man and these strange wolves. I shook my head side to side as if to say no and the stranger, alpha, glared at me. "Do you really wish to defy me?" I could sense the wolves getting closer to me, so I let out a loud growl, baring my teeth and turning to see the ones behind me. "Give up, Rogue. You won't win." Just as he spoke to, was launched towards me and it charged up the one to the right of me, barely missing their teeth. Opening my jaw so that the ankle was positioned right, I bit down on it hard. I could feel the bone breaking beneath my teeth and warm blood filled my mouth. The tools were now frozen as I held one wolf in my jaw. The once ferocious wolf was now whimpering beneath me. I had not meant to go this far but my body moved almost like a reaction. Maybe it is because I haven't shifted in such a long time. Storm and I have completely bonded.

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