Prologue - The Ultimate Intellectual Prodigy

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You may not believe what I'm about to describe.

You may call me a liar.

You may laugh at my ridiculous story and consider it nothing but a figment of my imagination. But it isn't.

All good stories start with an introduction, so that's how I'll start mine.

My name is Mizuki Kokatsu, and I am the Ultimate Intellectual Prodigy.

My name is Mizuki Kokatsu, and I am the Ultimate Intellectual Prodigy

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Ah, don't let my title deceive you. It may sound all grandiose, but the truth is, I'm pretty normal for an Ultimate.

I won't to rambling on about how normal I am, but all it means is that I'm smart. Like, really smart. But that's it. If you put me in a competition that didn't have to do with intelligence, I'd probably lose.

But... let's forget about that for now.

You came here for the story, didn't you?

The story.... of how I survived a killing game.....

I'll start at the beginning.

Although it was only a few months ago, it feels like an eternity passed since I was invited to Hope's Peak Academy.

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You probably know what Hope's Peak Academy is, right? The school for the best of the best, the hope of the best generation.

The letter arrived on a day like any other. The school semester had just ended, and I remember my mom asked me to get the mail. I brought it to her, and she sifted through the junk to get to the stuff that was actually worthwhile. Her eyes lit up when she saw a rather plain-looking envelope with a red wax seal amongst the pile of taxes.

"Mizuki, it's for you."

For me? Why would somebody send me a letter in the mail? I have a perfectly functioning Email account, y'know.

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