Chapter One - The Angels of Despair Laugh at Our Hope (Class Trial)

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(Quick note, the trials will be written like a script instead of a book, so there will be no quotation marks. Mizuki's thoughts will be purely italics, while regular speech has no formatting. During non-stop debates, orange text will be written like this and blue text will be written like this. The debate will go through once and then repeat before Mizuki counters / consents to end the debate.
Also, truth bullets will be lined up like:


With the correct one being bolded after the first go through the debate. The correct truth bullet will also be listed directly after the statement the truth bullet was used on.
If a statement is turned into a truth bullet, it will look like
This --> That
Okay, let's jump right in!)

Now Playing - Class Trial [Dawn]

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Serena Utahoshi: The killer... really is one of us, correct?

Monokuma: Yep!

Arisa Ryuzaki: Um.... Monokuma?

Monokuma: What?

Arisa Ryuzaki: This portrait....

Arisa Ryuzaki: What's up with it?

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Arisa Ryuzaki: What's up with it?

Monokuma: Well, this room would just feel so drab if there wasn't anything filling up the empty seats! It helps to spice up the trials a bit!

Keina Hagihara: I'd say they're already plenty spicy, thank you very much.

Monokuma: Hmph!

Haruko Kobayashi: I can't believe one of us... Really murdered Mr. Morihei.

Baiko Tanifuji: You better believe it. Because one of us here did do it, and I'm determined to find out who it is!

Namika Hatake: Wait one second, please.

Namika Hatake: Before we begin our debate, I have something I would like to share.

Namika Hatake: At around 9:30 last night, I watched Kat and Daichi walk into the dining hall.

Baiko Tanifuji: And.... you didn't follow them in?

Namika Hatake: I did not.

Baiko Tanifuji: Didn't it occur to you they might've been doing something bad?

Daichi Midori: Hey! What are you trying to imply?

Namika Hatake: I will admit, it did not occur to me at the time.

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