Chapter Two - Only the Silent Will Survive (Deadly Life)

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Now Playing - To Survive

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Now Playing - To Survive

I bit my tongue to prevent myself from letting out a scream. Kyoji was dead, and his body had been found in the middle of the night.

There were gasps and sobs and screams of horror. Another corpse. Another class trial. Another execution. That was what we would have to endure.

"Alright, alright! Everyone quiet down! Who were the first three people to find the body?" Serena called.

Emiko, Kat, and Yosai all raised their hands simultaneously.

"Wait.... You guys were part of Daichi's patrol group, correct?" Arisa asked.

"That's correct." Emiko said.

"Wait, I thought we weren't doing the patrol thing anymore, since we don't have four groups of four." I said.

"Well, me and Yosai and Kat made an agreement to keep patrolling, just in case. It's not exactly official, though." Emiko said.

"Ah. That makes sense." I nodded.

"I assume this means you three cannot be the culprit, because you discovered the body and triggered the announcement." Serena said.

"That would seem to line up." Yosai said.

Truth Bullet Added - Yosai's Account

Now Playing - Mr. Monokuma After Class

Just then, Monokuma appeared. "Well, well, well, looks like my motive triggered a murder! Wonderful, wonderful! Well, it's investigation time, and you know what that means!"

Our handbooks let out a beep as the second Monokuma File was released.

"The victim is Kyoji Moriai, the Ultimate Linguist. The time of death is estimated to be 11:30 PM. The body was discovered in the foyer of the second floor. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the back of the head. There are no other wounds on the victim's body. The victim died instantly."

Truth Bullet Added - Monokuma File 2

"Wait." Arisa said. "Last time, didn't the Monokuma File specify that the body wasn't moved? This time, it's gone."

"Can we safely assume that means the body was moved after death?" Serena said.

"I can't tell you that or it might spoil the surprise!" Monokuma said.

"Whatever. Don't we have to start investigating right about now?" Arisa said.

Yeah... As much as I hate it, Arisa's right. If we don't catch Kyoji's killer, then we're all going to be next.

Now Playing - BOX 15

I swallowed back any hesitation and walked over to Kyoji's corpse. His head was bleeding, and there were no other wounds on his body, just like the Monokuma file said. What's interesting, though, is he held an clean knife in one hand and a torn note in the other.

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