Chapter Five - Hopeful Delusions of a Despairing Madwoman (Daily Life)

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(A/N: Thank you so much for one thousand reads! I'm utterly blown away, guys! Here's to a thousand more!

Oh! And before you go and enjoy the next chapter, check out this amazing art of Kat by liveelectrix! Go give their fangans some love, they deserve it!

Oh! And before you go and enjoy the next chapter, check out this amazing art of Kat by liveelectrix! Go give their fangans some love, they deserve it!

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We're in the home stretch now, everyone! Let's make it count!)

We're in the home stretch now, everyone! Let's make it count!)

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Now Playing - Beautiful Days

"Hey, Utahoshi! Wait up!"


"I thought you would wait for me. I mean, we've been walking to school together for almost a year now."

"The only reason we do so is because we are neighbors, is it not? It's just a coincidence, not something we do every day."

"Maybe so, but it's become practically clockwork for me."

"Still, don't expect me to stay behind if you oversleep again."

"Of course not!"

We walked in silence for a bit. It was a beautiful day, the sky clear save for a few fluffy clouds drifting about.

"Say, Utahoshi.... I was thinking.... maybe we should switch to first-name basis."

"Wh-what!?" She took a small step back away from me. "I'd hardly say we're close enough to necessitate that!"

"Well, I mean, I call my friends by their first names. And since we walk to school together, and have so many classes together, I thought.... we could do it for us. What do you think, Serena?"

".....Mizuki. It feels strange calling you that."

"In a good way?"

"In a.... neutral way. I suppose it couldn't hurt to.... call each other by forename for now."

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